How we made our Kipper Christmas Card

Kipper Christmas Card 2017

We always like to send our customers and raving fans a little card to say how much we appreciate their support throughout the year. Christmas is a fantastic time to say this.

And so, we start to think about what our card will look like in October. 

This is how we did it...

Wrapping paper by Willis & Co, Cuckfield. Ribbon by Waitrose. Decorated Christmas Tree supplied by Harvester in Haywards Heath. Print by Swan Press. Chief present-wrapper: Emily Billson. Chocolate-eater: David Tingley. 

Happy Christmas one and all...

What's On in Lindfield - December 2017

2nd December - Christmas Market – 11am-3pm
Millennium Village Centre, Scaynes Hill - Scaynes Hill WI annual market. Wide variety of stalls and WI refreshments. Free entry, free parking.

2nd December - Handel’s Messiah – 7.30pm
All Saints Church, Lindfield – dramatic performance by The Merry Opera Company for Tiger Arts (Tickets £17.50

3rd December - Handel’s Messiah – 2pm
All Saints Church, Lindfield

5th December - Lindfield Festival Night – 6-9pm
Lindfield High Street closed from 5.30pm. Stalls, music, shopping and Santa’s grotto in Lindfield United Reformed Church. 

7th December - Lindfield Country Market – 10-11am
King Edward Hall, Lindfield - (Sheila Hobbs 01444 483396)

8th-10th Cuckfield Christmas Tree Festival – from 11.30am
Holy Trinity Church, Cuckfield – Over 75 decorated trees adorn the church. Entry for charity.

9th December - Haywards Heath Concert Band – 1.30-4pm
King Edward Hall, Lindfield. A charity event and afternoon of music including gift and craft stalls, and refreshments. Also featuring Haywards Heath Singers. (Alison Gilbert 07977 499280 or bandmaster

13th December - The Arts Society Mid Sussex – 10.45 am
Clair Hall – ‘We Three Kings: music, art poetry and legends inspired by the Magi’ lecture by Peter Medhurst. (Non-members welcome: £7 on the door)

13th December - Lunchtime Concert – 1pm
All Saints Church, Lindfield - Dr Rachel Smith (Flute) & Paul Gregory (Classical Guitar) playing work by Debussy, Bach and Spanish and Latin American music. (Admission free)

14th December -  Lindfield Country Market – 10-11am
King Edward Hall

16th December - Adur Concert Band Christmas Concert – 7.30pm
King Edward Hall, Lindfield. (Tickets may be purchased from Tufnells Home, Lindfield or Jo Stevens 01444 235311)

21st December - Lindfield Country Market – 10-11am
King Edward Hall, Lindfield

The Farmers Pub, Scaynes Hill, revived in 2017

The Farmers Pub reopens in Scaynes Hill

Father and son team Michael and Jack Willis have recently opened the doors of The Farmers in Scaynes Hill. The pub has seen numerous attempts at running it over the last ten years, but this duo say they are here to stay.

“We fought hard to sign a 20 year lease with the owners,” Michael commented. “We will make a success of the pub, but we know that takes time. So we are committed to invest in the business over the long-term.”

The pair have already made a success of their first pub together, The Barley Mow in Selmeston, which is approaching its third anniversary.

“We first noticed this pub about a year ago as we drove past it,” explained Jack, “but it had a tenant at the time. Then, when it became available, we looked round it as soon as we could – the building, and its past, has a lot of similarities to The Barley Mow.”

The building has been completely refurbished in a ‘country pub’ style, complete with muted tones on the walls and plenty of taxidermy adorning the walls. Not to mention the large kids’ play area they have installed in the garden. “We want this to be a real family pub,” Jack says, “so we know the outside space will be a real draw for locals.”

They hand delivered letters to all homes in Scaynes Hill inviting them to a preview night of Prosecco and canapes – which was attended by over 400 people! “We were delighted with the response from our neighbours in the village,” Michael said. “We look forward to proving we can be the pub they’ve wanted for years.” 

The Farmers is open every day from midday and will serve a full traditional pub menu with plenty of seasonal specials.

Baggy Pantry business moves to Lindfield

Lois Simpson - Baggy Pantry

By Claire Cooper

A chef who started her culinary career behind a cheese stall in London’s Borough Market is hoping that Lindfield will offer her the recipe for success!

Over the past few weeks Lois Simpson has been transforming premises in Denmans Lane, formerly home of World Coffees, into her artisan kitchen - the Baggy Pantry.

The business, which Lois has been running from her home in Ardingly, supplies home-baked cakes to independent businesses, along with unique celebration and wedding cakes to order and events catering.

Working from her smart new kitchen, tucked away behind the shoe shop, Lois has fond memories of the bustling outdoor market stall where her career began. “I was only 16, but would get up at 4.30am at weekends to travel to London to work on the stall,” she said. “It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time – I was just enjoying myself. I loved the Dickensian feel of Borough Market - especially at Christmas!”

Lois is currently settling into her new premises and hopes to open to the public on Saturday mornings in the future.

“I’m very excited to be opening a business in Lindfield,” she said. “And, of course, the icing on the cake is that it’s only a couple of miles away from my home!”


New Pedestrian Crossing in Lindfield?

Warning Sign: New Pedestrian Crossing Point on Lindfield High Street

Warning Sign: New Pedestrian Crossing Point on Lindfield High Street

Some residents of Lindfield may have been confused to see the above signs appear around the village in the last week (October 2017) or so. Well, so were we at Lindfield Life HQ! We hadn't heard anything about this work and were surprised about that - as we like to think we know what's going on in Lindfield. 

However, we have now had the following comment from Lindfield Parish Council, which rather shows we weren't the only people in the dark on this...

Lindfield Parish Council were not aware that the development had been approved. In  November 2016 the Parish Council opposed the proposed revised highways works to Lindfield High Street. We understand that the planning application to which the work relates is the Land to the East of Gravelye Lane, Lindfield, which dates back to 2013. We have been in contact With West Sussex Highways, and our West County Council Councillor, Andrew Lea. We understand that Andrew Lea, is on our behalf, making urgent enquiries regarding the works. We have reiterated that the Parish Council opposes the works. The Parish Council is concerned that the works will potentially remove parking spaces for the King Edward Hall, which is a building widely used by the local community. Additionally, we would like any proposed  traffic works within the Parish to be implemented as part of a cohesive plan following our Traffic Study. In summary, the Council wishes to see a holistic rather than piecemeal approach, having under gone full Parish consultation.

Sussex Mineral and Fossil Show 2017


On 18th November at Clair Hall, the Sussex Mineral and Lapidary Society (SMLS) will put on probably the best one day mineral and fossil show in the country. It is filled with wonderful minerals, crystals and fossils and is perfect for a fascinating family day out or just a quick visit to see some of nature’s finest wonders. The show is put on by the members of SMLS, a local society which meets to discover more about the beautiful world of minerals, fossils and lapidary work. Chairman and local resident Nick Hawes writes more…

By Nick Hawes

The grey limestone cliffs rose above my head, tiered in benches by the quarrymen so that they could quarry safely deeper into the hillside. We were on a Sussex Mineral and Lapidary Society (SMLS) field trip to the limestone quarries of South Wales.

I scanned the cliff side and saw a small gash in one of the benches at the bottom of the quarry and went over to investigate. I could see where the latest rock blast had opened up what appeared to be a small hole in the rock and went over to investigate. It was what we call a vug – a space that has opened up in solid rock enabling crystals to form within. In this case the crystals were of calcite, usually a whitish mineral but in this case the crystals were coloured red by a covering of the mineral hematite – an iron mineral. The crystals were in clusters and were in groups up to 10cm across with crystals up to 5cm. They were perfect in every way, not a mark on them – something very important in mineral collecting. I finished cleaning out the cavity, and as I was wrapping the specimens to keep them in good condition, I saw another small hole in the wall of the bench above me and walked to investigate.

I found another small hole in the rock, but this had no crystals showing, however, you could see a bigger cavity within. With trusty sledgehammer and an array of chisels I began to open up the entrance to the cavity. As I did so, the hole within appeared to be bigger and bigger. Eventually I realised I had stumbled upon a whole cave, lined with calcite crystals up to 30cm long. It was an amazing sight. I eventually opened up an entrance big enough to crawl through and was able to retrieve beautiful crystals from the cavity floor where they had been broken off by blasting in the quarry. 

Other club members came across, encouraged by my hammering and we had a great time, all gathering as many specimens as we wanted. With rucksacks bulging with our finds, we were eternally grateful for a lift out of the quarry. Thus ended another great day’s collecting with the SMLS.

Sussex Mineral and Fossil Show
Clair Hall, Haywards Heath
18th November 2017, opening at 10am.

The show is, we think, the best one day mineral and fossil show in the UK - and it’s right on your doorstep!

[Full story in October 2017 issue of Lindfield Life]

Lindfield Arts Festival - 2017 photo round-up

Lindfield Arts Festival 2017

Lindfield Arts Festival 2017

By Freya Wenstrom

What a glorious weekend the Lindfield Arts Festival was! It all started on an autumnal Friday evening with the preview evening to thank the generous sponsors and Friends of the Festival. Later on, the hilarious comedy evening took place in the Bent Arms and was extremely well attended. A particular mention must go to Chelsea Hart who had the audience in absolute stitches!

The weather was definitely with us on Saturday morning with the sun shining and putting a smile on everyone’s faces. This was certainly aided by the stilt walkers and the incredible balloon creations by Brighton Circus. In addition, the beautiful dance performance by the Balcombe and Lindfield Dance School in the United Reformed Church got the morning off to a very good start! The High Street was really buzzing all day with amazing dance performances by Turning Pointe School of Dance, Popsteps and Swoove.

The Kitchen People celebrates 10 years in Lindfield

The Kitchen People

The High Street can be a tough environment for a business to survive, let alone thrive, but The Kitchen People is celebrating ten years at 61 High Street this month. You may have noticed the large balloons outside the shop. Inside the award-winning kitchen design specialists Paul, Amy, Sarah and Daniel are waiting to help you create that dream space for the most important room in your home.

The Kitchen People | 61 High Street, Lindfield | 01444 484868 |

Important play at King Edward Hall, Lindfield

By Rex Cooper

Importance of Being Earnest at King Edward Hall

Importance of Being Earnest at King Edward Hall

Lindfield Dramatic Club is turning to one of the best known and best-loved plays in the English language for its autumn production this year – Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest.

With a strong cast that includes new, young members alongside established performers, the club is continuing along the route that has been its forte over the past decade, but moves away from the broader comedy that has generally been on offer.

Wilde’s comedy of manners about love and marriage amongst the upper classes has been a hit with audiences and critics for more than a hundred years and LDC is returning to the play after a 19-year gap.

Director Rex Cooper said: “Pretty well every theatregoer can quote the best known funny lines from the play but it is full of humour from start to finish and audiences have to concentrate in case they miss something.

“We look forward to our regulars coming along and supporting us and, given that it is almost two decades since we last presented this classic, we can, hopefully, attract some new, younger audience members – especially as the play is now part of the UK’s National Curriculum.”

The Importance of Being Earnest can be seen at the King Edward Hall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 26th-28th October. Tickets (£8) are available at Tufnells Home, 59 High Street, Lindfield. Tel: 01444 483483.

Lindfield Horticultural Society's 2017 Autumn Show

By Claire Cooper


The annual battle of the pumpkins will be played out in the King Edward Hall on 9th September, when rival pumpkins growers go head to head to see who can produce the biggest vegetable at Lindfield Horticultural Society’s Autumn Show.

Last year’s winning giant pumpkin, pictured, was grown by Ian Cooper on his allotment and weighed in at an impressive 56kg (123lb)!

“It was actually judged by circumference as the society doesn’t have scales big enough to weigh it,” said Ian. “After the show I cut it into quarters and weighed it piece by piece!”

Ian’s giant pumpkins have picked up the top award at Lindfield Horticultural Society’s autumn show for six out of the last seven years.

“I was beaten in 2013 by my rival, Richard Watson,” Ian recalled. “He’d been runner up the year before and had asked me my secret. Rather foolishly I ‘spilled the beans’ and the following year he beat me! 

“It was also the year I had presented the society with the Pumpkin Cup, and I didn’t get to bring it back home!” 

This year Ian has been cultivating two pumpkins and is quietly confident that one will scoop him a seventh award. “The recent weather has been absolutely perfect for pumpkin growing, so I’m certainly on track to beat my record and bring home the cup,” said Ian.

“The competition is always very good-natured, but we are all in it to win!”

[Full article in September 2017 issue of Lindfield Life]

Louise: World Champion Power Lifter

Louise Richardson, power lifter, grew up in Lindfield, West Sussex

By Claire Cooper

Three years ago we featured the story of former Lindfield schoolgirl Louise Richardson and her journey to becoming a British Champion Power Lifter.

We are delighted to be able to follow up Louise’s story and report that her training has literally gone from ‘strength to strength’!

Last month Louise competed in the World Championship in Belarus, winning two gold medals, one bronze and leaving as World Champion in her group! 

“I’m absolutely over the moon,” said Louise, who grew up in the village and attended Lindfield Primary School. 

“It’s the title I’ve always wanted and I’ve been training hard for over a year for, so I’m really delighted with my achievement.” 

Full story in the September 2017 issue of Lindfield Life magazine

5 Star Lindfield - Move Revolution

By Mathew Gurr, Move Revolution

Welcome to our second market report of 2017. We hope you have enjoyed the summer holidays, although it does feel like a summer of sunshine and showers.

Since our last report we have enjoyed plenty of activity within the village. In fact it has been our most productive quarter for selling homes in Lindfield since our launch. The great thing is that those properties range from two bedroom apartments to four bedroom homes, demonstrating that there is demand for all types of Lindfield homes. The buyers see the value in what we all already know – it is a fantastic village to live in. The market is challenging, of that there is no doubt, and it is more price sensitive than at any point over the last three years. That said, we are seeing more than ever the benefit of the very best marketing coupled with experience and hard work. On that note, we are also thrilled to have achieved 100% 5 star reviews (independently verified by raterAgent) for all our sales in Lindfield.

This made us think… what else is a 5 star experience in Lindfield? This month we thought we would share three Move Revolution 5 star experiences. We love to share these with potential residents!

5 star shopping experience at Doodiestark

Our Marketing Director Nici Jordan popped into Doodie Stark with one of her girlfriends. The service was second to none, helping Nici to find a gorgeous dress for a special summer party. Big thank you to the team at Doodie Stark.

5 star coffee experience at Lindfield Coffee Works

Without a shadow of a doubt our team are addicted to Lindfield Coffee Works... whether popping in for a coffee between appointments, recommending to clients or taking home freshly roasted Lindfield Coffee Works beans to enjoy at home with a bean to cup coffee machine. Every mouthful of coffee, combined with the gorgeous team and stunning interiors, make this a definite 5 star Move Revolution experience.

5 star choice of gifts at SWALK

Whenever we are in need of that special card or unique  gift, we are always sure to find it here in SWALK. The happy and super friendly team are always on hand to make us feel welcome and help us with our every desire! 

And if that wasn’t enough, they are now online with a click & collect option, making our lunch break our own again.

If you are thinking of selling or letting your home and would like to experience our 5 star service, just give us a call on 01444 657657. I would love the opportunity to visit you, value your home and support you with your next house move.

The Wind in the Willows - Wakehurst Place - 2017 a review

Wind in the Willows tour comes to Ardingly's Wakehurst Place this summer

By David Tingley

Wakehurst Place, in Ardingly, will play host to The Australian Shakespeare Company later this month when The Wind in the Willows opens its run on 31st August. I was lucky enough to go along for a sneak preview at Kew Gardens earlier in the summer.

I have to say, I was impressed. I was impressed with the whole thing, actually.

From a technical point of view all the actors had microphones – so we never had a problem hearing the dialogue. But, more than that - and something I wasn’t expecting, all of them played an instrument of some kind during the performance and these came over the mic or had a pick-up of their own in the case of the guitars.

I arrived to sit on the grass (note to self, take something to sit on, we didn’t and got slightly damp bottoms!) with two of my girls and awaited the action. As soon as Head Chief Rabbit, played by musical director Zachary Cooke, stumbled across the audience on his walk for adventure – we were taken in to a new world.

Zachary’s enthusiasm was infectious and I found myself quickly entering the spirit of piece and waving my hands on my head to mimic a bunny rabbit on cue! And here is a good point to note; you all have to take part! In truth my girls (at 10 and 12) were a little too cool for the ‘rub your nose like a bunny’ gesticulations and singing along with the songs, but I definitely saw a few laughs and smirks on their faces as the comedy-laden script unfolded. We thought aged eight would be a good top end for the smaller visitors. For adults, on the other hand, well, there was plenty to keep me entertained and amused during the 90 minute or so performance.

The musical numbers were very well done indeed. Tamlyn Henderson played the character of Weasel, and when he added his guitar and vocals to Zachary’s it worked wonderfully. At one point, in the second act, there is a break-out jam session with these two characters as they played versions of Ruler (Lorde) and Up All Night (Daft Punk) the likes of which you’ve never heard before! I don’t think I stopped smiling throughout this interlude!

The story was easy to follow, of course, with each new cast member bringing in a new energy to the piece when they were introduced. I think, for my money, I particularly enjoyed the dryness of Badger (played by Chris Killik) but, I suspect, a five year old may not agree!

The Wind in the Willows begins its run on Thursday 31st August and plays at Wakehurst Place until Sunday 3rd September.

Book your tickets here...


A Pet Service in Scaynes Hill


By Claire Cooper

There were furry paws, waggy tails and twitching whiskers among the congregation at St Augustine’s Church in Scaynes Hill earlier this month when the church held a special pet service.

Vicar Lisa Barnett invited parishioners to bring their furry friends to church for a celebration and blessing and was delighted so see the pews filled with a 25 dogs, a selection of guinea pigs, an enormous rabbit and even a tortoise named Lisa!

The service included specially chosen hymns, such as All Things Bright and Beautiful, a Bible reading read by Thomas Martin, while parishioner Bev Sotiri, accompanied by her four dogs, read a poem for dog owners.

Those unable to bring their pets to church, and those who wished to remember their former pets, brought along photos.

Following the service, there was a chance for pets and owners to mingle and enjoy refreshments in the church hall.

This was the first pet service to be led by Lisa, and is part of the church’s commitment to strengthen community spirit. “I was more than a little bit nervous before the service,” she said. “How many pets would be brought along? Would they behave? But I needn’t have worried!

“The animals all behaved beautifully, staying quiet during the talk and joining in with gusto during the hymns! It was a very special occasion, celebrating the joy that our pets bring us, and committing ourselves to caring for all of God’s creatures. We’re definitely planning to do it again sometime!”

A feast for the senses at the 2017 Lindfield Arts Festival

8-10th September 2017

By Kirsten Genard

As summer is hotting up, so is the programme for the Lindfield Arts Festival. Next month sees the return of the eighth annual festival, and this year’s event is looking bigger and better than ever. Whatever you are into and whatever your age, there is something that will fit the bill as the top ticket in town this season.

Families are in for a treat as The High Street transforms with an abundance of activities on offer, including the centre stage with a variety of performances including the return of the circus shows.

Look out for the Dressed Ducks in the shop windows and, if you have ever wanted to learn to crochet or decoupage, then Dolly’s craft van will be the place to go. 

Further afield around the village, a varied programme of arts, drama, dance and entertainment will be taking place. A fine art exhibition will be staged at Lindfield Primary Academy on Saturday and Sunday featuring work by talented local artists and with refreshments from The Bonfire Society, kindly supported by Tisshaws Family Solicitors. On Saturday, innovative Robot Relays see competitors get creative in an almighty battle of the bots on space hoppers whilst supporters cheer from the hay bale amphitheatre.

A mini festival of its own will take place at the United Reformed Church on Saturday, featuring a craft exhibition supported by Handelsbanken with the opportunity to snap up goods. A diverse programme of performances and workshops is also on offer, from drama, dance and creative writing to – wait for it – mutant toy hacking. What could be better than reinventing a toy slightly past its sell by date into a brand new, bespoke creation that will be the envy of the playground? Think Toy Story on steroids!

More activities are being confirmed all the time including two very special evening events on Friday night. Lindfield Coffee Works will host a Poetry Night, featuring a group of Sussex-based local poets including a former musician from the Ronnie Scott’s Club in London, which will set the stage for the Festival on opening night. Meanwhile, Komedia regular Rob Dumbrell, will compère a Comedy Night at the Bent Arms, bringing along some wellknown, tried-and-tested names from the comedy circuit for your amusement. For all you budding comedians, there are a couple of 5 minute stand-up comedy sets up for grabs, if you think you have what it takes!

Registration for workshops and events will open online in mid-August with SWALK acting as the Lindfield Box Office. 

If you would like to contribute in any way or exhibit, perform, play or volunteer during the Festival weekend (8th, 9th, 10th September) please email enquiries@ or call Stix: 07868 879084 for more information.

Lindfield Primary Academy girls crowned County Cricket Champions

Lindfield Academy's Cricket Girls

Lindfield Academy's Cricket Girls

Members of Lindfield Primary Academy’s Year 5/6 girls’ cricket team were celebrating this month when they were crowned County Champions at the Sussex Final in Horsham. The girls went into the event with high hopes after weeks and weeks of practice but were faced with the daunting prospect of playing the best five schools from Sussex at the event. After a convincing win against local rivals and last year’s winners, Birchwood Grove in the first match by 37 runs, the girls continued their great form with victories over Southwater Junior (by 10 runs), North Lancing (by 42 runs), West Park (by 27 runs) and Harlands (by 32 runs) in an action packed day at Horsham Cricket Club.

The whole squad contributed throughout the tournament but special mention must go to Ruby Stedman for her batting and Asha Hinley and Bethan Steel for their fantastic bowling. James Smyth (Year 6 teacher and the team’s coach) was extremely pleased at the conclusion of the event: “After coming runners-up last year, we hoped we may go one better this time around. We are so pleased, the girls should be extremely proud of their achievement.”

Lindfield part of Village of the Year 2017 TV series

Village of the Year 2017 - TV series on Channel 4 by Reef TV

Village of the Year 2017 - TV series on Channel 4 by Reef TV

Lindfield has been selected to be part of a new series which will crown the winner ‘Village of the Year 2017’. The show is due to be aired on Channel 4 in October and will be presented by Penelope Keith. 

Chair of Lindfield Parish Council Will Blunden applied for Lindfield to be on the show, helped by residents Sarah Richmond and David Tingley who completed the application form in May.

Lindfield historian Richard Bryant and fitness instructor Esther Featherstone joined David and Will as they met with the show’s producers in the village, as they sought to find out more about Lindfield.

Production company Reef shortlisted Lindfield just days before Village Day – an event it was keen to capture in its footage for the programme. 

Penelope Keith visited Lindfield in early June to interview Will Blunden as Harbour Master by the pond and Esther in the King Edward Hall. “It was terrifying to start with,” Will said, “but I was soon put at ease. 

Penelope was lovely. She told me that she knew the area well having lived in Forest Row for a time.”

During her interview, Esther was asked to explain her personal reasons for creating her own exercise programme. “Penny made me feel very comfortable and was utterly charming and engaging while we were talking on camera,” she commented.

Penelope’s first words when she walked in on the Swoove class were: “Wonderful lycra!”

Esther invited her to Swoove in the comfort of her own home, as she presented her with a DVD. Laughing, Penelope replied: “I think my cats and dogs might think I’ve gone completely mad!”

Penelope and the crew will be visiting and filming at 75 other villages across the UK during the summer, in order to find the best. We’re pretty sure she found it here, but only time will tell! Watch this space for details of the show’s air date later in the year.

UPDATE - 15th JANUARY 2018
We have now been given a date the show will air...

According to Reef TV, the production company behind the Village of the Year show, Channel 4 will broadcast the episode featuring Lindfield on Friday 26th January 2018 - at 3pm. 

The series starts on Channel 4 on Monday 15th January 2018. 

White Horse, Lindfield, to breathe new life again

The White Horse in Lindfield to open as Tamasha - an Indian restaurant

The White Horse in Lindfield to open as Tamasha - an Indian restaurant

Curry loving residents won’t have to wait much longer to enjoy their favourite food on their doorstep as Lindfield’s most eagerly awaited restaurant opens its doors.

Tamasha, which means ‘performance and celebration’, is almost ready to welcome its first diners, as the finishing touches are put to the lengthy renovation project.

Lindfield Life caught up with owner Ashraf Shah on Village Day and enjoyed a sneak preview of the premises, which have been transformed from the traditional pub interior of the former White Horse to a stylish and spacious restaurant, complete with booth seating and sparkly black floor tiles.

However, Ashraf has retained some original features such as the beams at the rear of the restaurant which have been restored and enhanced with roof lighting and skylights.

Ashraf and his team are looking forward to becoming part of the village. “I’ve wanted to open a restaurant in Lindfield for some time but couldn’t wish for a better location, on the High Street and opposite the pond,” he said. “Lindfield is such a great village and I’m looking forward to welcoming everyone.”

Ashraf, who has been in the restaurant business for more than 20 years, also owns the popular Tarana restaurant in Turners Hill.

“The menu at Tamasha will be very similar to Tarana,” said Ashraf. “We will be offering a takeaway service, and entertainment on Wednesday evenings.”

He added that this could range from belly dancing to Elvis and Michael Jackson tribute nights – all popular at Tarana.

Writing a life story - Memory Lane Books

Many of us regret not knowing more about our parents and grandparents. Photographs are fine while they’re still around to explain who’s who, but will a dusty album mean anything to future generations?

Writing your life story can help your children or grandchildren to learn more about you. You might not have been famous, adventurous or influential but your family and friends will find your story as interesting as any celebrity autobiography.

A life story book can be an overview of your life, or a snapshot of a particular time, for example childhood, hobby or career. It can heal past wounds, deal with unfinished business or even reveal family secrets.

If you fancy having a go yourself, you could start by writing a memoir, which doesn’t have to include every detail of your life in chronological order - it’s a story from a life, so focus on key events, such as a career or relationship. If you’re tackling a longer life story, select up to 20 key life events and think about how you can link them to create a narrative.

Before you start to write, do plenty of research. You might think you remember everything that’s happened, but look back through old diaries and photographs, listen to music, or visit an old house or school to trigger memories. Decide on the structure and create summaries for each chapter before you start to write. Dialogue and vivid description are great, however, don’t get bogged down in unnecessary detail that slows down the narrative.

And remember that a life story isn’t just about you, it’s about other people, so talk to parents, siblings and other key people for their take on events. However, penning and publishing a book can be daunting, so, if you need help, a life story writing service like Memory Lane Books can help.

During a series of personal visits, an interviewer will chat about your life to gather life stories and recollections before shaping them into a narrative.

Grace Parker had been telling her two grandchildren about travelling to New Zealand as one of the Ten Pound Poms when she realised her story might soon be forgotten.

“It was such an important time of my life but I never really talk about it,” says Grace. “I wanted to write it down so that my great-grandchildren could find out about what
I did – after all, I might not be around to tell them.”

Grace started writing her life story but found the project daunting - arthritis in her hands didn’t help either - so she turned to Memory Lane Books for help. The one-to-one chats helped her remember and record the details of the trip and other important times in her life.

Using a professional life story service, your words will be edited, written and proof read – you’ll get to check and approve the story as you go through the process. After choosing up to 50 photographs, the finished 150-
page book will be typeset, designed and printed, forming your personal history into a professional book.

“I’ve been showing it to all my friends and some of them have found out things about me that we’ve never spoken about,” says Grace, who’s given copies of her book to her children and grandchildren, while another
one has pride of place on her bookshelf. “I sometimes get it out and read a bit,” she admits. “It’s wonderful to reminisce and a real talking point when friends visit.”

She adds: “I know that my family have now got a permanent record of my life, and hope my book will become a family heirloom.”

If you’d like to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime
project, please contact Helen Gregory on 077997 64414 or email to
discuss how we can bring your life to life.

London to Brighton Bike Ride (via Lindfield) for Crispin...

Last September many were devastated by the untimely and tragic loss of Lindfield resident Crispin Taylor from an undiagnosed heart condition. He was fun, kind, generous and known to so many in the village. Friday 5th May would have been his 57th birthday. In order to raise research funds his sons Oli and Eddi are leading a group cycling the British Heart Foundation’s London to
Brighton on a particularly poignant Father’s Day (18th June). “We’re all still coming to terms with the loss of dad and so hope that, in a small way, we can help others avoid the same tragedy,” said Eddi.

Oli commented: “The support from the Lindfield community has been incredible, as has the sponsorship, we’re all so grateful and we’d like to say a big thank you. Not least to those cycling with us: Jeremy and Ben Taylor, Laurence, Dan and Ben Trigwell, Patsy Whiteside and John Barling. If you’d like to sponsor us please see our JustGiving website at

Photo shows: Laurence Trigwell, John Barling, Patsy Whiteside, Eddi Taylor and Oli Taylor