
75th VE Day celebrations in Lindfield

The residents of Lindfield were keen to do what they could to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day last week with numerous roads and houses being ‘dressed’ for the event.

Even though parties could not take place in the way that was intended, many folk were able to enjoy cream teas, cakes and bubbly from the comfort and safety of their own house boundaries. during lockdown.

Here’s a selection of photos showing the efforts and enthusiasm by many in Lindfield last Friday.

Felix John’s children prepared a VE Day Picnic in the garden

Felix John’s children prepared a VE Day Picnic in the garden

Proud of Luxford Road

Proud of Luxford Road

Esme’s Teddy Bear’s VE Day picnic

Esme’s Teddy Bear’s VE Day picnic

Socially distanced in the sun on Langmore Lane

Socially distanced in the sun on Langmore Lane

Kelly and co in Newton Close

Kelly and co in Newton Close

The well-dressed Welkin - Malcolm Grace

The well-dressed Welkin - Malcolm Grace

Mark Tampion

Mark Tampion

A purpose-built air raid shelter!?

A purpose-built air raid shelter!?

Tabitha Bird’s decs made from tablecloths!

Tabitha Bird’s decs made from tablecloths!

more patriotic teddy bears

more patriotic teddy bears

VE window in Saxon Way - Patricia Hicks

VE window in Saxon Way - Patricia Hicks

Yarrow Gate celebrations

Yarrow Gate celebrations

Distribution of Lindfield Life – April 2020 issue

Coronavirus Update - 23rd March 2020

We have decided to distribute our new issue of Lindfield Life magazine on Tuesday 24th March 2020 as planned.  

According to, Public Health England advise that people receiving parcels are not at risk of contracting the Coronavirus and Royal Mail themselves say ‘from experience with other coronaviruses, we know that these types of viruses don’t survive long on objects such as letters’.

We’ve asked our delivery agents to step up their own precautions and each of the team will be wearing gloves and a mask and will also be maintaining the 2m proximity guidance previously issued by UK Government.

We really don’t want to stop the physical print and delivery of Lindfield Life because we know how much our readers enjoy it in this form. But we will, of course, always act in accordance with clear government directives – so this is subject to change for the foreseeable future.

Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK supports Lindfield neighbours

Covid-19 Neighbour Support flyer

Flyers have been put through doors in Lindfield, Cuckfield and Haywards Heath and in the last few days. It reads:

Hello Neighbour,

Are you unable to leave your home because of Covid 19/Coronavirus? We’re here for you.

We are a group of local residents who would like to support the community that we live in and ensure that nobody is left isolated. We don’t ask for anything in return, we just believe in helping each other in a time of difficulty.

We are your local neighbours and not a professional body but are supported by the council.

How they can help…

  • Arranging deliveries

  • Picking up Shopping & Medication

  • A friendly phone call

  • Posting Mail

  • Urgent supplies

  • Help topping up electric or gas key

If you could like to speak to us, or want to ask for help, please call 01444 635002 or email

GIVE SUPPORT: Please email to join the group (or call the number above).

Festive fun with the Denmans Lane Dash!

Denmans Lane Dash Poster 2018

Denmans Lane Dash Poster 2018

The Denmans Lane Dash is back again this Boxing Day. Started by Lindfield resident Ray Gower in 2015, the race sees villagers dashing from the Stand Up along Denmans Lane and back, half pints in hand! The winner is the person finishing in the top six with the most beer left in the glass!

Ray hopes to get between 50-60 competitors this year, as the annual bit of fun gains popularity each Christmas. There will be two winners as he promises to separate ladies and gents results.

Ray explains: “As ever it is mandatory to wear fancy dress or a Christmas jumper. I will also be posting up ‘official’ rules on the Facebook page in due course.”

Ray, who had a triple bypass operation this summer, is also hoping that the 2018 event will raise money for Sussex Heart Charity.

This year Lindfield artist and previous Dash competitor Leesa Le May has drawn the promotional poster for the festive event. Participants meet at The Stand Up Inn from midday on 26th December, with the race starting at 1pm.

Shenstone residents celebrate 50th anniversary


On the scorching Bank Holiday Monday at the beginning of May, residents of Shenstone gathered to hold a street party celebration of the building of their houses, back in 1968. Previously on the site had been a large Edwardian house called Cotmaton, built for one of the local Leslie family, around 1902. This was demolished to make way for the cul de sac of 13 houses, with a further three being added in the 1980s and 90s.

The youngest attendee resident was three year old Katie Kremer, who along with her family, are also the newest to join this happy group of LIndfield residents. 

As the day was so hot many parasols and tents had to be put up in addition to the bunting! Barbecues were rolled out and with a table laden with salads and cakes, beers and soft drinks, the residents set about having lots of fun in the sun.

London to Brighton Bike Ride (via Lindfield) for Crispin...

Last September many were devastated by the untimely and tragic loss of Lindfield resident Crispin Taylor from an undiagnosed heart condition. He was fun, kind, generous and known to so many in the village. Friday 5th May would have been his 57th birthday. In order to raise research funds his sons Oli and Eddi are leading a group cycling the British Heart Foundation’s London to
Brighton on a particularly poignant Father’s Day (18th June). “We’re all still coming to terms with the loss of dad and so hope that, in a small way, we can help others avoid the same tragedy,” said Eddi.

Oli commented: “The support from the Lindfield community has been incredible, as has the sponsorship, we’re all so grateful and we’d like to say a big thank you. Not least to those cycling with us: Jeremy and Ben Taylor, Laurence, Dan and Ben Trigwell, Patsy Whiteside and John Barling. If you’d like to sponsor us please see our JustGiving website at

Photo shows: Laurence Trigwell, John Barling, Patsy Whiteside, Eddi Taylor and Oli Taylor

Lindfield gets own defibrillator

By Claire Cooper, reprinted from p.7 of Septembers Lindfield Life magazine

A portable life saving resuscitation machine will give heart attack victims in Lindfield a better chance of survival.

The machine, an Automated External Defibrillator which delivers a shock to the heart, will be located outside Selby’s Pharmacy in the High Street and can be borrowed by residents faced with an emergency.

It’s been funded by Masters and Son, whose staff were amongst the first to be trained to use the machine.

“I’d heard about the work of the Sussex Heart Charity in training people to use these portable machines and thought it would be fantastic to have one here in the village, “  said Sue Masters. “We are currently awaiting delivery of the latest model and the machine should be in place in a few weeks.”

Although the machine can be used by anyone, training is available free of charge to villagers.

Run by Douglas Coombs, Director of Training at the Sussex Heart Charity, the course teaches people to recognise the symptoms of heart failure, carry out chest compressions and use the machine to deliver a shock to the chest to restore the normal heart beat. 

“It is vital to start chest compressions immediately as every second counts,” said Douglas who spent 25 years as a paramedic. “For every minute there is no compression the chances of success go down by 20%. There is no substitute for good effective chest compressions.” He added that calling an ambulance should also be the priority.

The machines are incredibly simple to operate and users are guided through the steps by a recorded message – rather like a Sat Nav. 

Most importantly the machine will only deliver a shock if it detects an abnormality in the heart rhythm, so it’s impossible to shock a healthy heart. “The whole point of chest compressions and use of the machine is to prolong life until the paramedics arrive and the person can be taken to hospital,” said Douglas. “These machines have been hugely successful. We trained people to use the 8 machines at the Amex stadium and within two weeks one was used to successfully resuscitate a heart attack victim.”

Machines have also been installed at Gatwick Airport and many other locations in Sussex.

Villagers who have been trained to use the machine include Will Blunden and Christine Irwin from the Parish Council, Tracey Osgerby, Ian Masters and Craig Radmall from Masters and Son and Liz Thomas and Nicola Whatford-West from Glyn Thomas & Son the butchers.

Further Emergency Life Support and Automated Defibrillator Training courses are being planned and anyone interested in attending should contact Sue Masters on 482107 or email