scaynes hill WI

Scaynes Hill WI scoop craft awards

Talented members of Scaynes Hill WI are becoming the ones to watch at the annual South of England Show competition.


The women regularly return home with awards in the arts, crafts, story writing and cookery classes, which attract entries from groups from across Sussex, but this year they excelled themselves with one of the most successful shows yet!

The group was one of only two WIs to enter all 13 classes and members picked up awards in almost every one, collecting three firsts, three seconds and one third prize rosette, alongside a Highly Commended and a Commended certificate. Scaynes Hill also won the Visitors’ Choice in the painting.

First prizes were awarded for a hand embroidered sampler in the ‘Sew Beautiful’ class, a crochet bedspread in the ‘Cottoned On’ category and an exhibit entitled ‘My WI’ which six members had put together. The exhibit featured a slice of Victoria sponge, flower arrangement, cloth napkin and a knitted tea cosy depicting a WI member!

Second prizes went to ‘Summer Sensation’, a flower arrangement featuring natural plant materials, ‘1919: A Woman’s Story’, a story and illustration based on a woman’s experience at the end of the first world war, and ‘A Summer Picnic’, a hand knitted seasonal scene, which included a knitted bicycle, picnic basket, cricket bat and ball!

The scene was made by three main members with contributions from a further 12. The third prize rosette was proudly pinned on to Scaynes Hill WI’s very own life sized scarecrow made from recycled materials, including drinks cans and a kilt made from sewn together crisp packets, in a class entitled ‘If I only had a brain’.

Scaynes Hill’s entries were also appreciated by the visiting public who voted their painting, bedspread, knitted scene and ‘My WI’ cooperative best in class and their knitted scene overall ‘Best in Show’.

Susan Lodge, who co-ordinated the Scaynes Hill entries, said: “I am so very proud of all our members who took part. We may be a relatively small WI but we certainly pack a punch when it comes to craft!”