
Lindfield Primary School expansion

By Claire Cooper

This month sees the start of a new chapter in the life of Lindfield Primary School as work begins on a £4million seven classroom extension.

The building work, which also includes an additional school hall and office space while maintaining all playgrounds, fields and woodland, will provide state of the art facilities for present and future pupils.

Originally built for infants (aged 5 to 7 years), the little school at Black Hill has evolved over the years to meet the needs of village children. The millennium year in 2000 saw the biggest change when the school merged with the juniors, formerly housed on Lindfield Common, and  eight new classrooms were added to the site. 

Now, as the village continues to grow, the school is set to reach another milestone as it prepares to become a ‘three form entry’ primary school.

Read the full story on p.8 of May's magazine...