environmental issues

Swap your shop

By Isabella Mortimer, age 12

“This is a precious world and each of us can use our actions and our voice to save our planet.” - David Attenborough

On 1st October, plastic straws, cotton buds and drinks mixers were officially banned in the UK. That’s amazing! We still see lots of packaging though including non-recyclable plastic, packaging the non-plastic cotton buds!

Here are some easy swaps, perhaps one a week... it will really make a difference:

Plastic packaged toilet rolls SWAP for Bamboo, paper packaged at Cloughs
Paper napkins SWAP for Cloth ones
Kitchen paper/roll SWAP for Old cloths
Cling film SWAP for Reusable wax wraps
Throw away/recyclable coffee cups SWAP for Reusable coffee cup/mug
Plastic shampoo bottles SWAP for Shampoo bars
Plastic handwash bottles SWAP for Soap bars and wood scrubbing brush
Coffee jars/foil wrapped SWAP for Freshly ground in Lindfield
Cotton pads/facial wipes SWAP for Cotton washable cloths at Cloughs
Bought plastic packaged tortillas SWAP for Home-made tortillas (easy recipe), freezable.

Lots of the swaps are available at Cloughs, who also offer paper bags to buy quantities you want for your weekly shop of grains, nuts, pulses and much more.

• Use a reusable bag to pick up take away food.
• Keep empty pasta sauce or mayonnaise jars to store food.
• Start a compost heap to make your own soil and avoid the plastic bags they come in.
• Grow herbs in a jam jar of water (mint, oregano, sage, basic, thyme and rosemary)
• Blend wilted greens, freeze in an ice cube tray for smoothies or cool drinks.

There are lots of us making changes, helped all the more by local Lindfield shops offering plastic free options, Cloughs and Pauls to mention just two. On a larger scale, there are lots of initiatives to sign up to to help big organisations make changes too for a brighter future. Small steps, big changes. We can do this together!

Yes, you can recycle takeaway coffee cups in West Sussex

WSCC Recycling Ambassador Colin McFarlin sheds some light on what can and can’t be recycled in our domestic blue bins. If you have a question for him, email: editor @lindfieldlife.co.uk

Thank you for sending in your specific questions on recycling. Here are two you have asked about that I have picked out. Keep them coming ….

YES to Pringle Tubes and lids. These can be recycled. Separate the plastic top from the cardboard tube. Do not worry about the metal base as our clever machinery can separate these.

You CAN recycle Costa/Starbucks coffee cups in Blue recycling bins

You CAN recycle Costa/Starbucks coffee cups in Blue recycling bins

What about Ben & Jerry’s pots and coffee cups?

We are fortunate in West Sussex to have state of the art machinery that CAN recycle ALL of these, and the plastic lids. YES we can recycle coffee cups in your blue top recycling bin.

We can recycle everything – except the coffee! The lids are big enough not to contaminate the glass. (see last month).

Would you like me to give a talk to your local group on recycling? There is no charge for this service. Would you be interested in collecting items that can be recycled to raise funds for your favourite charity? I will be happy to guide you through this process. Look forward to hearing from you.