
Lindfield is getting its own swim school!


Lindfield is set to soon get its own swimming pool – but don’t think of it in Olympic-size terms!

Business owner and swimming teacher Chris Newton is pleased to be finally embarking on the build phase of the unit on Lindfield Enterprise Park where he will be installing an ‘endless pool’ – which is an above-ground pool with a variable current generator. Chris has been looking for a suitable location for his new business – Aqua~Artes – for more than two years, but finally got the planning permission for change-of-use last month. He will be soon be offering two-to-one or one-to-one swimming lessons to children in the endless pool, having previously worked in a similar business in Hove. “It’s a great way for kids to learn,” Chris explained. “The quiet environment of an endless pool creates a far more relaxed space for children to learn in – and its particularly useful for those who find traditional pools intimidating on the senses.” One of Chris’ own children has autism and so he knows the power of making small changes to make life more comfortable for him.

Chris, who was a county squad swimmer from age seven and swam competitively until the age of 24, has been teaching swimming for 15 years. “I have always loved being in the water, and teaching others to master and enjoy it I count as a real privilege. In our special environment we will have a maximum of two in the pool at a time, which makes for quite a mellow teaching experience – which children respond really well to.

“Whilst we will focus on technique, I always start with basic floatation and relaxation – ensuring they feel safe in the water first. And having fun is a big part of the lessons; I love to sing with the kids,” Chris said, after admitting he knows the words of far too many Disney songs! Chris is hoping Aqua~Artes will be open for business in July.