Poppy Appeal

Pauline awarded for poppies work


A Lindfield resident who has run the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal in the village for the past 20 years has been honoured with a special Community Award.

Pauline Parkyns, whose responsibilities have ranged from distributing over 6,000 poppies and ordering commemorative wreaths to co-ordinating the team of collectors and counting the cash, was nominated by Branch Chairman Val Upton.

“It was such a lovely surprise to be invited to Shoreham Airport by the RBL Fundraising Officer of West Sussex,” said Pauline. “I received a very attractive certificate mounted in a frame, which has pride of place on my wall.”

“When I became a poppy collector in 1982 I had no idea how passionate I would become about raising money for the Poppy Appeal,” added Pauline, who began by taking part in sponsored walks for the Appeal when she was younger.

“It has been a privilege to be the Poppy Appeal Organiser for Lindfield during the last 20 years. Although it could be hard work at this time of year, it is very rewarding knowing how the money raised helps our brave Servicemen and women cope with their injuries, both physical and mental. It is also a very humbling experience.”

Pauline has handed over her role to Val’s husband Gordon Upton. “I wish Gordon every success in his first year as organiser, but I am not going away as I am still a collector and will still sell my plants for the Poppy Appeal,” said Pauline.

“I’d like to thank the residents and organisations of Lindfield for all the support they have given to me over the years, and particularly the school teachers and pupils who have been wonderful. I will really miss them.”