National Garden Scheme

Lindfield Open Gardens this June 2022

By Jim Stockwell

Now Spring is in the air, many of us are getting busy in our gardens. To get inspiration and a chance to buy plants, why not visit some of the local gardens in Lindfield, which are open for charity over the next few weeks?

The garden at 47 Denmans Lane will be open under the National Garden Scheme on the following dates:
4th April
18th April (Bank Holiday)
2nd May (Bank Holiday)1
6th May

There will be two sessions each day from 10am – 12.30pm and 2pm – 5pm. This beautiful and tranquil one acre garden in the heart of Lindfield, was described by Sussex Life as a ‘Garden where plants star’. Created by the owners, it is planted for interest throughout the year. Spring bulbs are followed by azaleas, rhododendrons, roses and herbaceous perennials. The garden also has ponds, greenhouses and fruit gardens.

The adult ticket price is £5 (children under 16 free). Refreshments and lots of plants will be on sale in aid of St Peter & St James Hospice. Please book in advance via the NGS website Any unsold tickets will be available on the gate. For plant sales on other days, just walk up the drive and ring the bell for attention.


Lindfield Open Gardens – Sunday 12th June 1 - 5pm.
The organisers are delighted to announce this ever-popular event in aid of St Peter and St James Hospice will take place on Sunday 12th June. Already several new gardens have come forward and the search is on for other local gardens close to the centre of the village to join in this worthy community event. If you want to know more or could help plan and promote the event, or volunteer as a helper on the day, please speak to Jim or Sue Stockwell on 01444 459363 or email: