Lindfield Womens Cricket

Lindfield Cricket Club set up womens' cricket team the Lindfield Pens

By Jill Sayers

With womens’ and girls’ cricket beginning to thrive across the country, it is now becoming one of the fastest growing sports in the UK. This means more opportunities than ever to get involved. Lindfield Cricket Club has recently set up their own womens’ softball cricket team, named the LINDFIELD PENS (a female swan - if that baffles you!) and despite a Covid-interrupted season it has been a welcome break for us all to be playing sport outside and meeting new people. This leads me smoothly on to the social side… we are a friendly bunch of smiley faces, keen to try a new sport and as equally eager to have a glass of bubbles afterwards, making it hard not to enjoy the relaxed format of training (with a few sneaky competitive swings here and there!). But what really makes it so enjoyable for me is it’s the first sport I’ve ever done where I’ve not felt intimidated. There’s no pressure and when you mess up you want to try it again, making it a far cry from school days where it often felt like there was nothing worse than being the last person to be picked for a team in a PE lesson. Hail the women’s new cricket revolution!

This coming season we will be entering the Women’s Softball League. I’m slightly nervous as it makes it sound like they’re upping the ante… but then I know the whole team won’t judge, they will cheer if I fluke something, and laugh with me when I miss a ball, so really, I can’t wait! Matches are local, short, relaxed and best of all the rules are straightforward. With no sign of an afternoon tea (which I have issues with, so it’s to the bar for me afterwards!) it’s not hours of time taken up, and even if you’ve never played before, women’s softball cricket is the perfect antidote to the stress and restrictions the last two years of Covid have brought. If you fancy this refreshing change, meeting new faces, learning a new sport, or - quite frankly - just having a breather from the kids, then please do get in touch as this could well be the most energising thing you’ve done since Covid shook the status quo. You can find us on Instagram @lindfield_pens_cc or email: