Standard Advertising
What we would refer to as standard advertising is traditional display advertising. A specifically designed advert with clearly defined edges that has been branded to match the company or person it is advertising. These are sold - in our magazines, at least - in either quarter, half or full page slots. Plus, we also sell the premium positions of Inside Front Cover and Outside Back Cover.
Editorial content is all the other content that makes up a magazine (news articles, features, what's on, competitions, write-ups, reviews, etc). Editorial content is not paid for and does not normally promote a profit-making business.
For advertorials in our community magazines, we do limit the number per issue, in order to ensure that our readership doesn't feel like it is being sold to on every page. We think it’s right and proper that a magazine like ours should have plenty of community news and information, and this doesn't have a price tag attached to it. We just want to tell the stories of the village.