Working Group members standing below one of the bird boxes
Lindfield Parish Council is pleased to announce that it has adopted a Climate Change Action Plan, which commits to helping tackle the environmental emergency at a local level. A copy of the plan can be found on the Parish Council website via this link:
A Climate Action Working Group has been set up and tasked with developing short and long-term actions. Councillor Wood chairs the Working Group, which also includes Councillors Grace and Wilson.
The Working Group is currently at the stage of researching the potential for a range of projects and creating networks, including with other councils and environmental groups.
We want to work with the local community including local groups, businesses, and other councils, to raise awareness of climate and sustainability-related issues, share good practice and identify actions we can implement in Lindfield. We would welcome any interested residents or local businesses to contact us if you would like to become involved or have any ideas which you would like us to consider.
Ideals can be submitted using the following link:
One of our aims is to seek to encourage Lindfield based businesses to be environmentally sustainable. Alongside this, we would like to encourage residents to make changes in their behaviours to be more carbon neutral. This will include promoting encouraging recycling, re-use and repair as well as walking and cycling as leisure activities.
Bird and bee boxes
The council has begun to act in helping to improve the environment. Recently, the parish orderly installed bird and bee boxes to enable the maintenance of the wildlife in the Wilderness Field, which is an example of how the council is seeking to use one of its assets to demonstrate its commitment.
The Challenge to live differently
Have you thought about how you could make an action that could help the environment? Here are some suggestions:
• Commit to recycling more
• Try to re-use rather than dispose of items
• Commit to using your car less
• Buy from environmentally friendly businesses
• Grow more of your food