Christmas Shopping

Shopping local this Christmas


As we find ourselves in the midst of another national lockdown, it is clearly a time which provokes all sorts of emotions from many of us – but owners of retail businesses are going to feel the impact in a very real way.

Certainly not the only way to gauge community activity, a High Street provides a useful barometer for villages like Lindfield. And whilst it’s easy for us to ‘harp back to the good ol’ days’ when there were multiple butchers, a bank and a hardware store – that doesn’t really change anything for the better.

What could change things and help secure the colour and variety of window displays for years to come is us making decisions to support these businesses, especially when we come out of this current lockdown period. The businesses on the High Street are almost all independent traders – most of whom are having a pretty bad year! Could you think about what Christmas presents could be sourced locally? We are all romanced by the ease of global retail giants offering simple one-click purchases – but what is possible, if we make just a bit more effort? Some High Street shops have even begun offering ‘click and collect’ during this second lockdown.

At Lindfield Life we would like to encourage everyone to support businesses in the village, so we’ll be trying to connect and showcase these on our social media presence. But for those not active online, perhaps a walk down to the High Street could trigger some festive foraging inspiration?

Christmas shopping and your daily exercise; now that’s two for one value!

Advertise in the Lindfield Christmas Shopping Challenge

Dear Lindfield business owner,

I would like to do is put together a four page pull-out in the November edition of the magazine. The feature will highlight what a variety of Christmas presents can be bought on our doorsteps. We will be challenging the Lindfield Life readers to buy all their presents from the village

The feature will be comprised of two elements: 

On the centre spread I would like to feature a number of products which are available from Lindfield shops/businesses. It could be a product or voucher if that’s more applicable for your business. All businesses are invited to suggest something for the feature. Any suggestion must include a product title, 10 word description, price, and buying category (eg: Gift for… Granny, Man, Teenager, Husband, Child 2-5 yrs, etc). Clearly we will be limited by space, so we can’t’ guarantee inclusion – however if we do have too much we will endeavour to select the widest variety of products on offer. If time allows I would like to come and photograph each of the products due to be featured so that they are all in the same style. 

On the reverse is the opportunity for you to place a discounted quarter page ad which you can promote your shop/business. As well as contact details and your popular Christmas lines perhaps, you may also choose to include a discount voucher to encourage the Lindfield shopper to partake in the challenge. The special price for the quarter page ad is just £60 including VAT. There are only 8 spaces available at this price!

As I said, time is of the essence for this matter! Product suggestions and any advertisement space will need to be booked BEFORE THIS FRIDAY 4th OCTOBER

As a retailer in the village I do hope you can see the benefit of such an article to encourage Lindfield shoppers away from the Amazon’s of this world and ringing through your till instead. Please call me TODAY on 01444 884115 or email to secure your space in the feature.