Balcombe Road closure

Balcombe Road closure will affect Lindfield residents


The controversial closure of Balcombe Road, Borde Hill Lane and Hanlye Lane – which was delayed from last year to give businesses opportunity to plan for the impact - is still due to take place across the summer.

As part of the new development by Redrow Homes being built at Penlands Green, work on the new roundabout at the current junction where Balcombe Road, Borde Hill Lane and Hanlye Lane intersect will now take place from 22nd June - however there is significant improvement in the time road will be closed completely.

Robert Phelps, Technical Director at Redrow, comments: “The lower levels of traffic on the roads at this time due to the pandemic meant we could again revisit plans, resulting in some local routes being kept open through periods of the works.”

Mims Davies MP explained: “I’m delighted that Hanlye Lane will remain open for most of the build weeks allowing for local access to businesses. Current estimates are that this junction will need to close for approximately three weeks from mid-July.”

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