Scaynes Hill Virtual Flower Show 2021 - The results!

Clare Radford - wildlife

Clare Radford - wildlife

By Angela Hicks and Dianne Elliott, joint show secretaries

Our first, and hopefully our last, Virtual Flower Show was a huge success, with over 140 exhibits and 270 views.

Congratulations and thank you to all our exhibitors, who included residents of Walstead Place, children (with the youngest being 8-month-old twins) and young families. The standard of craftsmanship, especially in the handicraft and decorated cake section, was extremely high but the photographs sadly don’t do them justice. It’s still possible to view the result show by going to YouTube or clicking here. For those you don’t have access to a computer, here are the overall results – it was very close with just two points between the overall show winner (first place) and third place. Well done to you all!

Sue Minter - starter

1st Sue Minter with 9 points

Emily Ludgate - Easter floral art

Emily Ludgate - Easter floral art

2nd Emily Ludgate with 8 points

Nick Hawes - vase spring flowers

Nick Hawes - vase spring flowers

3rd Nick Hawes with 7 points

Grab a June copy of Lindfield Life to see more of the lovely entries.