Sam McAuley - Village People

Following a childhood spent touring the country with her actor father and family, it was inevitable that Sam McAuley would end up working in the theatre. But instead of following the family’s acting tradition, Sam was drawn to the more quirky and diverse performance arts. Sam has carved a career marketing some of the country’s most successful alternative dance and theatre companies and is currently responsible for the Arts + Events programme at Canary Wharf.

Now happily settled in Lindfield, Sam tells us how she became passionate about promoting non-mainstream performances and why living midway between Brighton and London has given her the perfect work-life balance.

By Claire Cooper

“I guess I was always destined for a career in the arts,” said Sam, who appeared in her first film when she was just three months old! “My dad was appearing in a training film for the fire service and they needed a baby – that was me!”

Sam’s family spent many years travelling around the country. “We went wherever the work was and we didn’t

live anywhere permanently until I was three. But being in and around theatres for most of my childhood definitely nurtured my interest in the performing arts.”

Sam’s dad, originally from Dublin, played to audiences all over the country in a variety of roles but is probably best known as the voice of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams! “When the Government banned his real voice from being heard on television or radio, my dad did the voiceovers!”

Read full article on pages 22/23.