Rifle Club celebrates centenary

Last month Graham Davison, the President of the Lindfield Miniature Rifle Club (LMRC), gave an inspiring speech to the gathering before making the toast to commemorate the centenary. He made the point that the club owed a debt to Mr Sturdy and Miss Savill for their generous donation, made 100 years ago, of the land and money to build the range.
     The Club Secretary, Richard ‘Dickie’ Bird, the person responsible for the safety and regulatory compliance of the club, noted how different things are today. “The range, initiated to teach young men to shoot straight for their participation in an awful war, is now used for theenjoyment of a technical and disciplined sport.”
     The club also has a tradition of supporting the Scouts in their pursuit of firearm skills. Encouraging the youngsters of the district assists in the aims of the club, which is to bring new talent to the sport.
     A feature not overlooked by Alex Henderson, who observed that LMRC is amongst only a few that encourages adolescents in this way. Alex, who joined the club when moving into the area, found the club inviting and the members friendly. He went on to represent British Schoolboys and now represents the Sussex County Team in .22 as well as shooting in the LMRC Teams.
     Another member who holds high aspirations is Oliver. He joined the club along with his father James. He had used an air rifle under the supervision of his father prior to joining the club but wanted to stretch his skills. As a member of the Air Training Corps (Haywards Heath) he is currently training for the ‘Cadet 100’. If he makes the grade he will be eligible to be selected for the GB Junior Squad. We wish him every success in all his competitions.

Full story available on page 16.