Lindfield Primary


The spring term is another busy one at Lindfield Primary Academy where the pupils are enjoying lots of different activities.

We have this year launched our ‘Community Crew’,
a group of children, who, throughout the year, will be visiting local places of worship and other organisations in Lindfield and Haywards Heath (charities, etc). After each visit, the Community Crew create an assembly to feedback what they found out to the rest of the school.

Their first trip was to St Paul’s Catholic Church, where they met the church deacon. This term, the group visited Haywards Heath Mosque. They spoke to the Imam, who told them about the different parts of the building and they found out several interesting facts.

A group of children from Years 4, 5 & 6 went to Oathall Community College to attend a food tech masterclass. The children all had a great time making low sugar cookies, using the ovens and then the best part - tasting and evaluating their cookies! The children even had to wash up and clean down their workstations when they had finished! Valuable life skills were learnt.

Year 4 children travelled back through the ages to enjoy an all-day interactive ‘Stone Age’ workshop to tie in with their topic work this term. They had the opportunity to handle artefacts and experience stone age food. They tried on costumes and watched an arrow being shot across the school field!

Year 6 children visited Warner Brothers Studio in Hertfordshire and were blown away by the ‘magic’ behind the magic of the Harry Potter films. They spent the day walking around the studio and reading about the great films, seeing costumes and sets that were in the stories. The children are now using everything they saw and experienced to help them create some magic of their own in their creative writing.

Children from all year groups have enjoyed a huge variety of sporting events so far this term, many
trying new sports for the first time. Activities have included: sportshall athletics, archery, cross country, netball, new age kurling, boccia, hockey, basketball and badminton. Many of these have been organised by local sport provider Mid Sussex Active.