Lindfield Parish Council's newsletter - December 2024

Chairman’s Update

Scamps Hill – 90 house development Our understanding is that the developer has appealed against the time taken by MSDC to make a decision regarding the application received although we understand that MSDC will be defending their position.

The appeal is to be heard on the 10th December, we have not been notified of the venue yet. A representative from the Parish Council is hoping to be invited to speak at the appeal. LRPC continues to oppose this speculative development, in summary the reasons are: The site has previously been excluded for development in the adopted Local Plan and is speculative and not required to meeting housing needs. The highway proposals fail to meet current guidance for active travel and public transport and introduce an access at the least safe location on the site frontage with maximum negative impact to hedgerows and visual amenity. We consider that the Transport Assessment is flawed with errors, inaccuracies and unfounded assumptions.

If you want to read more about this application, then visit the MSDC website looking for planning applications ref DM/24/0446

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