Lindfield ladies run for charity

Back in April 2015 Lindfield resident Jill Sayers took a group of school mums out on to the nature reserve for their first run. Jill runs Firefly Fitness locally but most of the group had never run at all since leaving school (several years ago!) but slowly, after pounding the streets three times a week for three months, they were fit and ready to run the Vitality British 10K together on 12th July.
     The girls decided to try and raise some money for charity and chose Cancer Research because two of them (Catherine and Nikki) had been diagnosed with breast cancer last autumn. The end of last year was a difficult period for both but after surgery (and in Catherine’s case a tough few months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy) they are carrying on with life. 
     The support and help received from friends and family in the village was overwhelming and both girls are incredibly grateful. Meeting up every week and running together has also been an important part of recovery.
     At the time of going to print the group has raised an incredible £6,772.86. If you would like to sponsor the girls please go to
     The group included Jill Sayers, Catherine Cole, Karen Hastings, Heather Martin, Helen Robinson, Nikki Smith, Sophie Hazeu, Katie McNeill and Judith White.

Also available on page 12.