Great Walstead School's amazing art studio and resident artists — Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

Great Walstead School's amazing art studio and resident artists

By Chris Calvey, Headmaster

Upon completion of our new art studio at Great Walstead School, we were left with the dilemma of just what to do with the old studio space. At the same time, I had very kindly been invited to the art graduates’ final exhibition for the 3D Design and Craft and the MA Craft Courses at the University of Brighton. This led to the forming of a partnership which allowed up to ten art graduates to use our studio space in return for offering a variety of masterclasses to our pupils.

Over the last two years this partnership has really cemented itself with the artists running a series of workshops for the teachers as well as the parents and the pupils. Each artist has their own specialism, and this has brought a real diversity to the art our pupils are exposed to as well as a terrific energy and enthusiasm from the artists themselves.

It has been such a pleasure to have this addition to our school and a real opportunity for our girls and boys to work with such passionate artists. The artists are hosting an open studio and sale on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th December from 10am to 4pm.

This is an exciting opportunity for visitors to see the space and their work. There will be a range of ceramic objects, jewellery and accessories for sale. Everyone is very welcome to pop along. For the artists most recent workshop schedule of weekday and evening classes for adults and holiday clubs for parents and children, please email: