Feedback from our Reader Survey

Useful reader feedback, thanks

By David Tingley, editor

In the January 2017 issue of Lindfield Life, we asked readers for their thoughts about the magazine in order to see how we are doing – and to see where we can improve in the future.

I was delighted that we received over 60 completed surveys back by post and via the website. 

It was certainly interesting to note that 85% of you read the magazine cover to cover in one sitting – although a couple of you noted that its not always possible to have enough time to get through it in one session!

It is great to hear that 31% of the respondents would make Lindfield Life the first port of call to find a business or service you needed. And everyone said that the magazine would form part of their research. This is superb news as our advertisers do literally make this happen – and they rely on getting responses from their ads. Nearly 80% of readers have called an advertiser at some point. Fantastic, so thank you all! 

In the comments field, Catherine said: “Keep them coming!”, Ian thought some articles were more pertinent that others (fair enough) and asked about a readers column – presumably like a letters to the editor. If we have any, we will certainly consider this in the future (! Helen asked for more local sports news, so we’ll look into that. We have already responded to a request to make the Sudoku larger – so I hope that helps. A few of you suggested local walks to be covered – maybe there’s a volunteer who is a keen walker who might like to contribute such material?

The Village People features are very popular – so we’ll keep them coming, also mentioned by name were the regular Homefront and Recipes pages too.

David suggested we cover more local events like the Horticultural Show, for example, and we will certainly aim to do this. And Leesa had a great idea to include a guest young editor page too – so I will look into how this might work, and potentially try and partner up with another organisation to make this work. 

This magazine started as a community project taken on by my wife, Emma, and myself back in 2009. At the time we weren’t at all sure how we’d find enough to write about but nearly eight years later – this village and it’s amazing residents keep coming up trumps! 

I know I speak for my fantastic team when I say we all really love our jobs – putting Lindfield Life together on a regular basis. Thank you for making it possible. Any other comments and suggestions do please email us at