A tribute to ‘Mr Lindfield’: Brian Newcombe

Our heartfelt thanks go to Gwen, Brian’s wife of 56 years, for sharing extracts from his eulogy. 

Born in Devon, Brian was educated at the King Edward Grammer School in Totnes where he excelled at sports, breaking school records and  swimming for the county team. On leaving school he became a member of the Old Totnesian Society and was elected as president in 1991.

Football and cricket were his great passions. His football skills led him to becoming a professional footballer in Devon, while his cricket led him into the arms of his wife Gwen!

“I met Bri in 1952 when my father had organised a cricket tour from Devon to Sussex and Bri was one of the tour members,” said Gwen.

“We actually met at Lindfield Fair on the Common by the bumper cars!”

After five courting years, spent travelling between Devon and Sussex on the old steam trains, meeting just once a month, the pair were married All Saints Church on 1st June 1957. 

Following his marriage, Brian went to work as a quantity surveyor for Rider Hunt and Partners, where he was involved in the building of many schools, hospitals, shopping centres and the development of St Katherine’s Dock next to the Tower of London.

“His ‘one claim to fame’ was preparing the Bill of Quantities for the Sydney Opera House and we constantly had the plans all over the floor of our house,” Gwen recalled.

This is an extract from the article published in full in the June 2013 issue of Lindfield Life.