Lindfield’s Anja’s Super Bowl advert

Advertising copywriter Anja Muller recently hit one of her career goals, when an advert she worked on was shown on US TV during the Super Bowl ad break.
The ad for Dove is titled Hard Knocks, and features young girls playing sports and experiencing the lows and falls of competition. Anja and her creative partner at ad agency Ogilvy London have been working with Dove for nine years.

“As a brand,” Anja explained, “Dove does a lot to help build the body confidence of women and girls, and this particular campaign is promoting their new Body Confident Sports Program. The aim is to combat the fact that 45% of girls quit sport by age 14 (in the United States).
“The idea for the ad was inspired by seeing how resilient my daughter is when she plays, as well as thinking back to when I was younger playing ice hockey and football. If you fall, you dust yourself off and keep going without thinking twice. But the mental strain of low body confidence is much harder to play through, which is why it’s the number one reason girls quit.
“Knowing that this film was shown during the Super Bowl is a dream when it comes to working in advertising. Although the UK doesn’t get to see the same ads as the US, so, sadly, I didn’t get to see my moment in the spotlight on my TV in Lindfield!”

Watch Anja’s poignant advert here:

St Augustine’s Church in Scaynes Hill buries a time capsule

By Jenny Walker

On Sunday 21st January, in a history-making moment, time capsules were placed under the new floor at St Augustine’s Church, Scaynes Hill.

This came at the end of a special service led by the Rt Rev Ruth Bushyager, Bishop of Horsham. St Augustine’s Vicar, Rev Beverley Miles, told the congregation that the wonderful space under the floor was just too tempting to leave completely empty! The intention had been to put a single time capsule under the new floor, but the number of interesting items had increased and actually four containers were needed - two time capsules, a metal document box and a bottle tin.

Much thought had been given to suitable items to include which would paint a picture of the church and community at this particular time and many members of the church and the local community were involved in the process.

Members of the congregation and friends at the church coffee shop were asked to write ‘postcards to the future’ giving details of their everyday lives and experiences. Children from St Augustine’s CEP School contributed drawings of the school capturing one of the seasons and children from Great Walstead School wrote about ‘Life at Great Walstead in 2023’. Scaynes Hill Sustainability Group produced a leaflet describing some of their projects and events.

Copies of the parish magazine for 2023 included in the time capsule provide a spotlight on the church and the village. The Pew News for 2023, service booklets and flyers of services and events give information about church activities throughout the year. A leaflet and postcards describe the ‘Jubilee Tapestry’ and its making. St Augustine’s Eco Church status is reflected in information about the church’s ‘A Rocha Silver Award’ and environmental initiatives. Also included are items that the church produced during the pandemic - the Lockdown Cookbook, the Lockdown Calendar and a DVD of the Lockdown Readings of St Mark’s Gospel. Items providing general information about our life and times complete the archive along with a bottle of communion wine in a special bottle tin.

The group placing the time capsules under the floor consisted of Bishop Ruth, the churchwardens, Kevin Deal and Sheila Argent, and Jenny Walker, the church archivist. The Bishop spoke first of the timeless nature of the church which is a wonderful and precious thing. Looking around the church at the stained glass, memorials and tapestry the Bishop spoke of those who had gone before in this place - generation upon generation of our forebears had witnessed here and this can be felt in the stone of the walls.

The Diocese itself would be celebrating its 950th anniversary next year. Now we were thinking about people we do not know who, in 100 years’ time, will open the capsules and be fascinated by what they find. The Bishop then placed the bottle of communion wine under the floor and this was followed by the two time capsules, the document box having been placed in the space earlier. In her prayers Bishop Ruth looked back, speaking of God’s love and grace through the ages and today. She prayed a forward blessing on those who will go before us in the decades to come. Finally, she prayed that the witness of the church in Scaynes Hill would be enduring and that it would be faithful to its calling to be the light of Christ in this place.

Lindfield welcomes AT The Salon

The much-anticipated refurbishment of Peake House on Lewes Road has finally happened and AT The Salon is open for business. The brainchild of Alice Townes, the salon represents her desire for a local working life, after 16 years specialising in the chaotic (and occasionally glamourous) world of film and theatre.
Her CV includes leading the hair and make-up team on Hairspray at the London Coliseum, working on the opening production of Harry Potter in the West End, and touring Asia for seven months with The Sound of Music. And the TV world of Downton Abbey, The Witcher and Bridgerton.

However, the pandemic changed something in Alice, and she sought something different on the other side. “During and immediate after Covid,” Alice explained, “I went back to renting a chair in a salon – which reminded me of my love for being in a salon environment. From that moment, I began looking around and planning to have my own place one day. And here we are!”

From her salon, they are able to help those who want an entirely bespoke service and that includes make-up. AT The Salon is open six days a week, will employ three stylists from the beginning of February and operates a completely ‘zero waste to landfill’ policy. “I’ve had an amazing reception since opening the doors before Christmas,” Alice said. “I really couldn’t have asked for better. The location is great; people just pop their head in on the way past, it’s brilliant!”

Tufnells gets a refit in Lindfield High Street

It is said that the High Street is always evolving, and this month we note that there will be (slight) reduction in the presence of Tufnells! Lisa Goodger opened her first shop in Lindfield in 2006, and seven years later took the plunge to open Tufnells Home further down the High Street. That was ten years ago, and now Lisa has made the decision to consolidate the two shops into one – the original unit at 75 High Street.
“It is really just a timing thing,” Lisa commented. “We have had ten good years down the road, but the lease was up and we have now decided to take the best lines from each store, and make a more efficient and future-proof the business, going forward.”

Lisa runs the business with husband Jeremy, and the pair are hoping the change will increase their chances of a holiday too! “We are grateful for a fabulous team and look forward to an improved work/life balance.”

The original shop will be closed for a few days for a mini-refit, while they reimagine the space to fit the best of both into one. “I love the merchandising side of the job particularly, and am looking forward to the refurb,” Lisa explained. Table cloths, cushions, candles, ceramics, art cards and photo frames are among the customers’ favourites to still be available.

Tufnells at 75 will be open seven days a week, Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and will be reopening on Sundays 12-4pm from February onwards.

Congrats to Lindfield's after school club Cool4School

An after school club that meets at King Edward Hall has just celebrated its one year anniversary. Cool4School was started by Rashid Moaddel, after falling in love with the area. Originally from Peckham/Dulwich, he moved down to Sussex working in roles at two local schools, including teaching swimming to children at Ardingly College. Rashid started as a lifeguard moving on to qualifying as a personal trainer and swim teacher.

Rashid set up and ran a holiday club with a business partner at Dulwich College Sports Club for 15 years, before the pandemic. “During Covid I focused on online personal training classes which we still run today, working with SEN children via webcam,” he explained, “but once the world had begun to return to normal, I really missed the interaction with the children – so I looked for an opportunity to move back into education.”

Following the closure of the after school club provision at Blackthorns Academy, Rashid decided to start up on his own. Cool4School operates after school five days a week from King Edward Hall, and will be expanding to include Saturday clubs after the February half term. “We are keen to not only open the minds of our children but also work with and support local businesses, so we have collaborated with Tamasha (local Indian restaurant) and That’s Amore Italian, for special food trips and events in the last year. ‘’We also make good use of the Common and play park nearby.”

Following his personal training experience and drama background, Rashid includes traditional games and also non-contact boxing sessions! Embracing expansion and growth, Rashid has opened up two new settings (Scaynes Hill and Ardingly) during the year too – proudly welcoming 167 youngsters through the doors of his clubs in the first 12 months. Reinvesting profits back into schools for essential equipment and resources, you may recognise the business name as Cool4School have just sponsored new kit for one of the Lindfield Juniors football teams too!

All Saints and Ensemble Reza present a music treat

By Hannah Carter

Join Ensemble Reza in Lindfield for a magical family concert and ‘wish’ away those January blues on Saturday 13th January at 3pm at All Saints Church. This concert is perfect for all ages and will feature the brilliant musical story the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, composed by Paul Dukas, (which was used in the film Fantasia), arranged and narrated for our group by Ensemble Reza musician, Anna Cooper. Accompanied by our Ensemble Reza quartet, plus a few extra instruments (double bass, bouzouki, accordion) this magical musical story will include plenty of audience participation and will have you on the edge of your seat!

We are passionate about giving young people the opportunity to experience live music and here are a few words from our younger fans … ‘Music connects people.’ Radin, aged 11. ‘The music makes me feel open and happy.’ Zysha, aged 11. ‘It made me feel relaxed and free in a cloud of song.’ Nora, aged 11.

And here are a few words from our very special Patron, Dame Judi Dench: “I’m a real fan of Ensemble Reza, having attended several concerts over the last year. The passion and virtuosity of the musicians is evident in every note they play, and their shared sense of musicianship results in outstanding performances which leave audiences cheering for more! We hope you will be free to join us for this special concert in January, which has been made possible with the support raised by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery and awarded by Postcode Society Trust. Tickets are available from:

Lindfield Parish Council's January 2024 newsletter

Click to enlarge


The Parish Council’s existing volunteer archivist, Richard Bryant, after over twenty years of service, has stepped down. The Council wishes to place on record our thanks to Richard for all his hard work. The Council is now looking to recruit a new volunteer(s) for the voluntary position.
The role will require:
• Reviewing our existing stock
• Maintaining records of our stock
• Liaising with other organisations (i.e. West Sussex Records Office) to see if they are interested in any of our stock
• Answering public enquiries
The successful applicant(s) will need to be comfortable using email and logging records in Microsoft Excel or Word. If you are interested in the voluntary role please contact us at

Click to enlarge


A massive thank you from Lindfield Parish Council to all the volunteers who took part in our Village Autumn Clean on Saturday 14th October. We would also like to thank Mid Sussex District Council for supporting the event with hi-viz jackets, litter pickers, extra refuse bags and for disposing of all the waste collected by the volunteers. We will be looking to organise a Spring Clean in March /April 2024. We will update our website, Facebook page, and noticeboard with further details once we have confirmed a date.


Click to enlarge

Lindfield Parish Council Office is usually staffed five days a week and is open to the public on Tuesdays 1pm to 4pm, Thursdays and Fridays 10am to 1pm – when members of the public are welcome by prior appointment only to come along to look at planning applications for Lindfield, acquire the codes for obtaining concessionary railcards, or simply seek advice on issues of concern. However, if you do need to speak with someone outside our normal opening hours, then please contact the Clerk who will be happy to make alternative arrangements with you.

To read the full newsletter, please pick up January’s issue of Lindfield Life and turn to page 41, or click the images to enlarge.

Lindfield Society - January newsletter 2024

Planning matters

The Welkin:
Readers may recall that developers have been attempting for some time to fill some of The Welkin’s green spaces with further housing. Following vigorous local opposition, Mid Sussex District Council refused permission earlier in 2023. We are pleased to report that an appeal lodged against the council’s decision was rejected by the Planning Inspectorate in September. The inspector’s decision cited ‘harm to the character and appearance of the area’ as the reason for refusal. In addition to countering the threat of overdevelopment that had been facing residents of The Welkin, this decision creates a useful precedent for responding to future attempts to urbanise our village.

Lindfield Society Talks

Our programme of free talks continues in the King Edward Hall. The details of this year ‘s talks will be emailed to members, shown on our website ( and displayed on the Jubilee notice board when finalised. We would like to thank residents for their support in 2023 and we wish all Lindfield Life readers a very happy New Year!

To read the full newsletter, turn to page 26 of January’s Lindfield Life or click to enlarge the image above.

Lindfield churches at Christmas - 2023

All Saints Church

Sunday 10th December
8am - Communion
9.30am - Morning service with children’s groups
3.30pm - Traditional carol service (1)
5.30pm - Traditional carol service (2)

Tuesday 12th December
10am - Tiger@Ten Christmas special (fortnightly group for over 65s)

Sunday 17th December
9.30am - All Saints Kids Nativity – The children can come dressed up as a nativity character as we retell the Christmas story in this enchanting, fun and slightly chaotic service
11.15am - Communion Service
4.30pm - Big Band Carols (1)
7pm - Big Band Carols (2)

Christmas Eve
10.30am - Morning Worship (no children’s groups)
2pm - Christingle - This Christingle is an accessible service for all, including SEN families and those with very young children
3.15pm - Christingle
4.30pm - Christingle
5.45pm - Christingle
11.15pm - Midnight Communion

Christmas Day
8am - Christmas communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10am - Christmas celebration

Sunday 31st December
10am - Morning Worship (children will stay in for whole service)
6pm - Cornerstone – our informal band-led service for all ages

Please visit our YouTube channel to watch some of these services broadcast live.

Lindfield United Reformed Church

Sunday 17th December
10am - Family Worship
5pm - Carols by Candlelight - A candlelight traditional service of lessons and carols

Thursday 21st December
7.30pm - Christmas Concert - Join us in the church or online a light hearted Christmas concert with music from the Perdido Players, and more as we celebrate together the meaning and message of Christmas

Christmas Eve
10am - Family Worship
4pm - Crib Service – A retelling of the first Christmas, appropriate to and performed by the very youngest. Suitable for all ages

Christmas Day
10am - Family Service - We celebrate the birth of Jesus

Sunday 31st December
10am - Songs of Praise – We close 2023 together with a time of worship and reflection

All services and events can also be watched live or on demand from our Facebook page:

Lindfield Evangelical Free Church

Christmas Eve
4pm - Carols by Candlelight Service

Christmas Day
10.30am - Christmas Day service

No need to book for either of these services – all welcome.

St Augustine’s Church, Scaynes Hill

Sunday 3rd December
5pm - Lighting of Scaynes Hill’s Christmas Tree with Carols around the tree and followed by mulled wine and mince pies

Monday 4th December
4pm - Christingle Service

Sunday 17th December
6pm - Carols by Candlelight

Christmas Eve
4pm - Crib Service
11.30pm - Midnight Communion

Christmas Day
10am - Christmas Morning Communion

Make your own Christmas wreath at home with help from Greener Lindfield

Make Your Own Christmas Wreath
By Herta and Anna Kingdom

Christmas is a great time to do something creative and I love using natural, local, and free materials to brighten up the home. Why not go foraging and create your own unique wreath to adorn the front door and create a festive welcome?

Materials you’ll need:
- Sharp scissors or secateurs
- String or thin wire wrapped around peg
- Wreath base (see step 1)
- Foliage

Step 1: Make a wreath base
I often find long bits of hazel, willow or dogwood in the woods. These can be bent round and round to make a round base, and then tied with string. There is a bit of a knack to it, but give it a few goes and it does not need to be a perfect circle. Alternatives are any kind of round structure/ring you can find.

Step 2: Go foraging
Go for a walk in the park or local woods. Look in your own garden or visit a friend’s if you don’t have one. Foliage that keeps well is often fairly firm and includes all conifers, eucalyptus, yew, and holly. To avoid holly prickles, pick from higher up or use gloves.

Step 3: Prepare the materials
It helps if you cut all the greenery into lengths of about 10cm in advance, and remove leaves from the bottom, ready to use. Place the foliage into little bunches.

Step 4: Start
Tie the string round the base to start and then lay a bunch against your ring. Secure by winding the string/wire around it. Take another bunch and lay it slightly further along. Again, secure with the string/wire. Carry on all the way round.

Step 5: A neat end
Once you get all the way round, tuck the stems of the last bunch under the ends of the first bunch. Tie a strong knot to finish off. You may be able to see the join but probably nobody else will notice!

Step 6: Final adornments
Even at this stage, extra bits of foliage or berries can be pushed in amongst the rest. You can also add bows, pinecones or baubles.

And … display the wreath on your front door for all to see.

Two extra tips:
1) Spray your wreath with water every day or so to keep it fresh for as long as possible.

2) I always use cut-offs from my Christmas tree.

Information on Greener Lindfield can be found on Facebook at; or email

A male mental health charity in Haywards Heath - Talk Club

Talk Club

It’s a simple question that starts every Talk Club. But it’s a question that’s saving lives.

International Men’s Day is observed on 19th November, and Talk Club is a grassroots male mental health charity. Founded in March 2019 it has now grown into a force for good, with over 2,500 men in its community and 67 groups around the globe. It’s a positive space for men to be heard, to be vulnerable, to be themselves and to talk about what is bothering them. We concentrate on mental fitness. (Like physical fitness, but for your mind) which in turn will prevent mental ill health. To get men to look after themselves before it’s too late. Because for many it is too late.

Talk Club starts with How are you? Out of 10? It’s to spark that conversation. Every man’s number is different. One man’s 5 is another man’s 8, it’s just a technique to get men to open up, and it works. A typical session is held in a comfortable quiet space. There are typically 8-10 men in a group but it can be less. There are 4 rounds:
1. How are you? Out of 10? And why?
2. What are you grateful for? (What is good in your life?)
3. How are you going to look after your mental fitness this week?
And finally, your checkout number?

It typically lasts two hours, and should probably be called ‘Listening Club’ because, although you are probably talking for only 15 minutes, you are listening for the rest. Actively listening. Getting heard.

Haywards Heath TALK CLUB is open to all men over 18. It’s FREE and takes place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month between 7pm and 9pm at Ashenground Community Centre, Southdown Close, Haywards Heath RH16 4JR.

If you’d like to go along, contact Nathan on 07525 125535 or email:

Remembrance Day in Lindfield 2023

As Remembrance Day approaches, members of the Lindfield branch of the Royal British Legion are busy preparing for the annual Poppy Appeal and memorial services.

From Saturday 4th – 11th November, poppies will be on sale daily at the gazebo on the High Street. On 11th November RBL members will meet at the War Memorial at All Saints Church, to remember those who died in the world wars.
On Sunday 12th November, wreaths will be laid at the memorial at 2.45pm followed by a Remembrance Service at All Saints Church, starting at 3pm.
Refreshments will be available after the service and all residents are invited to attend. Lindfield will also be represented at the national Festival of Remembrance at London’s Royal Albert Hall, when standard bearer Paul Buckland will join the parade.

A plaque in memory of young Lindfield soldier Alan MacDonald Leeney will be dedicated at the United Reformed Church on 6th November at 7pm. Alan, a member of the URC Boys Brigade, was just 19 when was killed while serving in the army in Germany, on 8th May 1979.

Lindfield Bonfire Night: Saturday 4th November 2023

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This year Lindfield Bonfire Society (LBS) holds its traditional village bonfire celebration on Saturday 4th November on Lindfield Common. This is unusual in Lindfield, as we traditionally are always on 5th November – but this year, that falls on a Sunday.

The earliest records of 5th November celebrations in Lindfield date back to 1881. There were the customary street fires, dragging of tar barrels and much riotous behaviour. Did you know, for instance, that there used to be three bonfires in Lindfield: one on the Common, one outside the Bent Arms and a third in front of the Red Lion?

Although not raucous like its early days, the night will be crowded, noisy, involve naked flames and be potentially smoky at times. As an open air event LBS cannot guarantee what the weather will be like on the night, so they suggest wearing sensible, non-flammable clothing and foot ware that is appropriate for the conditions.

The event is free for the public to attend and starts with a torch light procession around Lindfield (see map pic) at 7.30pm. The procession heads onto the Common for the reading of the Bonfire Prayer and the lighting of the bonfire (8.15pm). The evening finishes with our grand firework display at around 8.30pm.

TIP: You can get a better look at the guy, by heading to the High Street during the day on 4th November – where he will be proudly on display by members of LBS. Please note that roads will be closed around Lindfield between 6.30-9.30pm. Avoid trying to drive into Lindfield on the evening, with road closures in effect plus a huge amount of increased traffic as visitors descend on the village, getting close to the High Street or Common is virtually impossible.

Although no charge is made to spectators on the night, Lindfield Bonfire Society would love to have contributions from those who enjoy the spectacle (which costs around £13k to out on). The easiest way to do this is via its website - where you can download the official programme or become a Friend of LBS for just £7.50 per year.

There will be a street collection on 4th November – but this DOES NOT contribute to the cost of the night. Volunteers with official buckets will be collecting for local children’s charities: Chestnut Tree House, Court Meadow Riding for the Disabled, Cleft Lip & Palate Association (C.L.A.P.A.), Orchard House and Woodlands Meed.

The organisers request that no one brings fireworks (inc sparklers) onto the Common, keep out of the fire site, don’t pick up dropped torches, and don’t bring pets to the event. The use of drones is banned on the night. And only members of Lindfield Bonfire Society are allowed to join in with the procession – please only watch at the side of the route.

For up-to-date information on the event, please see the LBS Facebook page.

Familiarise yourself with Lindfield's defibrillator units

Lindfield defibrillators

We’d like to encourage everyone living and working in the village to familiarise themselves with the sites of the life-saving defibrillator machines and learn how to use them.

An estimated 60,000 people each year in the UK have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and, sadly, less than 10% of those people will survive. Yet if a bystander is able to start CPR, they could double a person’s chances of survival.

Lindfield has nine defib machines that we know about, which includes the latest installation at Oathall school - at the top of the drive, before you get to the gate at reception. Oathall actually has another two defibrillators within the school premises too.

Some of these units are available 24/7 (marked OUTSIDE) as they are installed outside of any locked or restricted area. The defib on the wall at Potential Personal Training on Lindfield Business Park, while it is inside, the gym is open long hours, so is available from early until at least 9pm every day.
Scaynes Hill now boasts an impressive three defibrillators: at the Millennium Centre, the service station/shop and at the primary school.

All of the machines are portable and contain full instructions, but why not give yourself a head start with an online tutorial?

The Resuscitation Council (UK) has produced plenty of information to help us all learn more about what to do in this dramatic and highly pressured time, should we find ourselves involved.
You can watch videos and play interactive games to increase your understanding. You can even download an app - see for more information.

At Lindfield Life, we are committed to reprinting this map and information on a regular basis in order to familiarise the whole village regarding access to this lifesaving equipment - which can be used by anyone. Please give it a go. With our emergency services so overworked, we as communities can get better at helping ourselves, and it really does make a difference. If anyone knows of any other publicly available defibs in the area, do please email us ( and we’ll update the map for next time.

Electric Blanket testing by West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service


In the October issue of Lindfield Life, on page 16 we printed a story about electric blanket testing (see below) - the phone number we printed was incorrect, and should have read: 0345 872 9719

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service is running a series of free electric blanket testing sessions for residents this month.

Faulty electric blankets are a common cause of fire in the home. Last year almost 40% of the blankets tested by the service were defective and posed a serious risk of starting a fire.

Regular testing is recommended for blankets over two years old to ensure they are still safe to use. Blankets over ten years old should be replaced.

A session is being held on 12th October at Haywards Heath Fire Station on Mill Green Road. Residents can book an appointment to have their blanket tested between 9.30am and 4.30pm by calling 0345 872 9719.

WSFRS’s Safe and Well Manager Samantha Barber said: “We know lots of people will be planning to use their electric blankets to keep warm this winter, particularly as the cost of living remains high.

“Of the 106 blankets we tested last year, 42 were deemed unsafe to use as they failed to meet safety standards, which posed a great fire risk.

“We would encourage residents to come and have their blankets tested to ensure they have peace of mind that their blanket is still safe to use. Please book an appointment to meet our friendly team.”

Further advice on keeping safe and warm at home can be found via this link

Forthcoming copy dates

2024 Copy Dates for Lindfield Life magazine

August Lindfield Life magazine
Copy date 2nd July
Delivery between 13th - 19th July

September Lindfield Life magazine
Copy date 6th August
Delivery between 17th - 23rd August

October Lindfield Life magazine
Copy date 10th September
Delivery between 21st - 27th September

November Lindfield Life magazine
Copy date 8th October
Delivery between 19th - 25th October

December Lindfield Life magazine
Copy date 5th November
Delivery between 16th - 22nd November

Lindfield Rural Parish Council - October 2023


Please join us and help tidy up areas of the village. We will be meeting at the King Edward Hall (Newcombe Hall) where you will be asked to assist with litter collection, cleaning street furniture, or cutting back vegetation or similar activities. Everyone is welcome – children to be supervised by their parents or adult group leaders please. Bring your own gloves and wear sensible footwear. Hi-viz jackets, litter pickers, and sacks will be provided. If you would like to take part please register for the event using the following link:

Alternatively, contact us using the following details: 01444 484115 or


The Parish Council has supplied several salt bins around the village for use by and for the benefit of the community - on the public highway pavements and footpaths, not private property. Any individual using the grit will be acting on their own initiative and this action will be entirely at their own risk. It is recommended that the following equipment is used when spreading the salt: a high visibility vest/jacket, warm gloves, sturdy non-slip waterproof footwear, warm clothing, a snow shovel and a fully charged mobile phone. If you are working alone, always contact someone when starting and finishing.

Please use grit responsibly, West Sussex County Council Highways will only normally refill the bins once a year (and only those with less than 75% grit).

To read the full newsletter please pick up your copy of Lindfield Life’s October issue today or click the images to enlarge.

St Augustine’s Church greets new animal Chaplain appointed for congregation

For many of us, pets play a huge part in family life, and saying goodbye to a beloved companion leaves a huge gap in our lives.

At St Augustine’s Church in Scaynes Hill, the importance of pets in our lives and the trauma of losing them has been recognised as the church has appointed it first Animal Chaplain.

Maria Brett, was authorised as a local chaplain in Chichester Cathedral as part of the Authorised Lay Ministry initiative in the diocese, and has since become St Augustine’s chaplain for people and their animals.

Her role includes co-ordinating support for people undergoing the loss or bereavement of a pet or animal, including horses. “I’m available for all people experiencing pet loss not just for those in our parish but the wider community too,” said Maria.

As part of her ‘day job’ as a manager for a local veterinary practice, Maria has undertaken additional training and holds the Blue Cross certificate in Pet Bereavement. She understands firsthand how the impact of the loss or death of a much-loved animal companion can be a very real and painful experience.

Maria leads St Augustine’s animal friendly programme, which already includes pet services and the creation of a pet memorial garden.

“We have dedicated an area in the front of the church as a pet memorial garden which is available to everyone as a place to remember their beloved pets,” Maria explained. “People can write their pet’s name on a pebble to leave near the statue of St Francis of Assisi.

“This part of the garden is looked after by our church family and all the names of the pets are remembered at our annual pet blessing service. “

She added that the church has recently been accepted for registration with the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals (ASWA) as an animal friendly church. This complements a silver award from the environmental organisation A Rocha.

“Being accepted for registration means that ASWA has recognised the value we give to the contribution and needs of animals which is reflected in the life and witness of our church community including in worship and prayer,” said Maria.

“All well behaved dogs are welcome to services, whether regular attendees or occasional visitors. We aim to be open to all and it can make a big difference to a newcomer if they can bring their companion, service or therapy dog with them.

“We aim to promote a compassionate attitude towards all God’s creation and creatures and this is embedded within our Eco Church agenda which is at the heart of who we are and what we do,” added Maria. “We believe that we have a duty of care as Christians to look after, nurture, protect and not exploit God’s created order.”

Maria added that, as part of the church’s mission giving each year, donations are made to an animal welfare or rescue society. “This year we are supporting Raystede Animal Sanctuary with a collection at the annual pet service,” she said.

For more information, please contact Maria via the parish office: or phone 01444 831013 on Wednesdays and Thursdays.