Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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What's happening with Lindfield pond?

There was something fishy going on at Lindfield pond last month and members of the Bonfire Society were quick to investigate!
Accompanied by harbour master David Riddle, the members descended on the pond to offer their support to the team of specialist contractors catching and removing fish from the village pond. The de-stocking saw dozens of fish caught using huge nets and transferred to special holding tanks before being transported to enjoy a new life in lakes across Sussex.

The de-stocking of the pond was organised by Mid Sussex District Council, which owns and manages the pond, following advice from the Environment Agency. An investigation by experts from the EA had found that poor water quality and oxygen levels, combined with over population, had left huge numbers of fish struggling to breathe. Removing all of the fish was advised to improve the health of the pond and the other wildlife including ducks, amphibians and insects.

Not all the fish have been removed, so there are plans to regularly de-stock the pond during the year. The de-stocking is the latest in a series of improvements to the pond by Mid Sussex District Council, supported by Lindfield Parish Council. They include installing a new floating island and replacing and repainting the bollards and fencing along the pond side wall. A new floating duck house, funded from a community crowd funding initiative, will be installed soon.