Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Remembrance Day in Lindfield 2023

As Remembrance Day approaches, members of the Lindfield branch of the Royal British Legion are busy preparing for the annual Poppy Appeal and memorial services.

From Saturday 4th – 11th November, poppies will be on sale daily at the gazebo on the High Street. On 11th November RBL members will meet at the War Memorial at All Saints Church, to remember those who died in the world wars.
On Sunday 12th November, wreaths will be laid at the memorial at 2.45pm followed by a Remembrance Service at All Saints Church, starting at 3pm.
Refreshments will be available after the service and all residents are invited to attend. Lindfield will also be represented at the national Festival of Remembrance at London’s Royal Albert Hall, when standard bearer Paul Buckland will join the parade.

A plaque in memory of young Lindfield soldier Alan MacDonald Leeney will be dedicated at the United Reformed Church on 6th November at 7pm. Alan, a member of the URC Boys Brigade, was just 19 when was killed while serving in the army in Germany, on 8th May 1979.