Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Lindfield Remembrance events - 1918-2018

Lindfield has a long history of commemorating the lives of those who have fought for our freedom and on this centenary year of the end of the First World War it will be no different. There will, however, be some practical changes from previous years.

The United Reformed Church has kindly agreed to host the Service of Remembrance as All Saints Church building is closed whilst substantial internal works is being carried out.

Although the pavement around the War Memorial (outside All Saints) has been opened up and temporary builders fencing moved back - space is restricted, and the High Street will not be closed to traffic.

Please note that due to instructions from Royal British Legion head office, branches are no longer able to organise parades (where there are parades, these are organised by local councils). There will therefore be no parade from the War Memorial to the URC and anyone walking from the Memorial to the church will need to remain on the pavements.

For clarity we have listed the various events and timings here...

Sunday 11th November 2018

6am – Peter Candy will be playing the bagpipes at the War Memorial as part of a national initiative

10.50am – We will be marking 100 years since the end of WWI at the War Memorial (playing the Last Post etc)

2.45pm – Laying of wreaths at the War Memorial The road will not be closed, so all wreaths will be laid within the churchyard. Supporters are welcome to go along but must be aware there is no road closure in effect.

3.30pm – Service of Remembrance at the United Reformed Church (All Saints Church currently closed)

7pm – Lighting of the Beacon of Remembrance on Lindfield Common

Commemorating the centenary of the cessation of hostilities in 1918, a beacon, sponsored by Lindfield Parish Council, will be lit on Lindfield Common, replicating a ceremony taking place at many sites across the United Kingdom. A short remembrance service will take place around the lighting.