Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Lindfield Parish Council's newsletter - July 2024


2023-24 Membership: Beecroft, Blunden, Burns, Grace, Matthews (Vice Chair), Nisbett, Upton (Chair), Webster, Wilson, Woolley

The Committee has continued to review applications in the village fulfilling its role as a consultee. In the 2023/24 financial year, the Council has reviewed 147 applications of which 44 were related to trees. The Council objected to six planning applications. In addition, the Council agreed to object to the proposed development of up to 90 dwellings on the land off Scamps Hill, Scaynes Hill Road (located within the boundary of Lindfield Rural Parish Council).

The Council spent a considerable amount of time trying to progress the TRO application for Lewes Road. The proposal was designed to reduce the number of large vehicles using Lindfield village as a short-cut, rather than following WSCC’s Advisory Lorry Routes (i.e. Motorway and A Roads, until as close to the intended destination as possible, when B roads are used). It would also serve to reduce the number of vehicles turning at the narrow and difficult junction of the High Street and Lewes Road, which on a daily basis causes vehicles to drive on the narrow single pavement, potentially endangering pedestrians accordingly. Lindfield Parish Council was disappointed that West Sussex County Council declined to proceed with the proposal for a 7.5 tonne weight restriction on the Lewes Road between the High Street and Gravelye Lane.

Representatives have regularly attended SHLAT (Scaynes Hill Active Travel) meetings.
In September the Planning and Traffic Committee was renamed as Planning Traffic and Transport Committee.

The Council purchased a real-time passenger information board for the bus stop on the High Street. More boards are now being installed in the village by West Sussex County Council. These will help support sustainable travel.

To read the council’s full newsletter, click on the images to enlarge them or pick up a copy of July’s Lindfield Life.