Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Lindfield Heritage Trail proves popular

Lindfield Heritage Trail – a Lindfield Society 60th anniversary project – is becoming a popular pastime for residents and visitors to the village. The trail, which begins at King Edward Hall where there is an etched map on the wall, can be accessed online via a QR code or participants can use a physical leaflet to aide their walk.

David Macmillan explained: “We are grateful to all participating outlets for having a stock of brochures available for pickup. Our initial print run of 3,000 was exhausted in mid-December, and we expect an average of around 150 brochures to be taken each month going into this year.”

Chairman Gil Kennedy said: “We are delighted that the trail, developed in cooperation with the Lindfield History Project Group, has proved a popular new resource for the village – including schools. We encourage all readers to make use of this opportunity to learn more about our historic village.”

Did you know, for instance, that Lindfield’s own former fire station still exists on Lewes Road, which was opened in 1899? And, on the opposite side of the road, one of the oldest medieval houses in the village, dating back to the 1300s? As the weather begins to improve (we hope!), perhaps now is the time to learn more about the place where you live? Get started via or scan the QR code here.