Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Lindfield Book Group reads 100 books

A group of Lindfield mums who started a book group in the village 12 years ago have just read their 100th book!

The ‘Good Wives’ group started in 2004 and, over the years, up to 11 members have met every six to eight weeks, to read and share their love of a good book!

“We currently have seven members, including four from the original group,” said Helen Bilton. “We’re all mothers and over the years 11 babies have been born during their mums’ membership, many of whom were brought along as newborns for cuddles.” She added that the first baby who came along is now in secondary school!

The group was set up after the mums were inspired by the library’s reading group scheme. “We had to choose a name and, having previously read Little Women (L.M. Alcott), we chose the somewhat tongue-in-cheek ‘Good Wives’,” said Helen. “Although it must be said, we are all still married to the same people we started with….!

“We read a huge range of stuff – generally chosen following recommendations that people bring long,” added Helen. “And we’ve all enjoyed reading books we wouldn’t otherwise have picked up or persevered with. Contrary to popular stereotypes we don’t read only pastel-covered chick-lit; 11% of the books we read are non-fiction, 40% are by male authors and 40% by non-British authors.”

It’s not all new bestsellers either. “We’ve read nine 19th century classics, and almost half the books we’ve read were published in the twentieth century rather than the twenty-first,” said Helen.

Full story published in Lindfield Life on October 2016