Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Ladies running team smashing fundraising goal

By Katie Spensley

After months of training, injuries and goals achieved, we woke on Sunday 24th February to a dry, sunny day for which we were so grateful! Training over the cold winter months around hilly Haywards Heath was good preparation and, although we had some wobbles, most of us arrived excited to get started on the 13 miles.

Our team consisted of Chris Clarke, Katie Spensley, Amy Beecroft, Amy Mee, Helen Tuddenham, Joanna Head, Tamsin Hoyles, Stephanie Sayers, Sarah Hale, Claire Lucas and Lindfield Life’s own Emily Billson.

We queued up in our starting pens – trying to keep warm and reduce nerves, then suddenly we were off! The starter for the race this year was Matt Rees – the Welsh runner who is famous for helping a fellow distressed runner across the finish line at the London Marathon in 2017 – so we felt we were in safe hands!

The group of us ran at different paces so were spread over the course, but we were easily spotted in our Run for Romania vests so wonderfully designed by Lindfield resident and artist Olly Brown and sponsored by Lindfield Life.

The warm conditions became a challenge in terms of keeping up water intake and trying to run whilst taking off layers but it all helped create a fun atmosphere with crowds out to support and live music playing along the route.

Thoughts of post-race rewards spurred us on – these varied from hot baths followed by curry, roast dinners and, for some, fish and chips whilst watching football!

We ran for Caminul Felix a charity in Romania who support and build homes for families and abandoned children in Romania. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of family, friends, colleagues and the village in donating as we raised a magnificent total exceeding £12,000 - thank you so much – it made it all worthwhile!