Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Former Lindfield pub - The Tiger Inn - gets its sign back

By Diane Flint

If you have glanced up while walking past the old Tiger Inn at the top of the High Street you will have seen this lovely new sign: a tiger gazing up at a bright shining star.

It is the winning design of Lindfield resident and artist Wally Jex, and it was hoisted into place in time to mark this year’s Tiger centenary – 100 years since All Saints Church bought the building.

Wally, 75, has lived in Compton Road with his wife Jenny for 17 years and used to be a TV advertising scriptwriter and illustrator. With his creative partner Hugh Silvey he was responsible for campaigns like Fred the Homepride flour grader. Designing the Tiger sign was a different kind of challenge for Wally.

He said: “Tigers and Christianity don’t have a lot in common but I thought that having one looking up at a star would work.”

Wally is still working and currently designs greetings cards and creates a monthly cartoon strip for the Dalesman magazine with Hugh. 

In his spare time he works on his allotment behind the pond and is a member of Lindfield Horticultural Society. 

And he still likes to travel the globe with his wife Jenny.

“I was one of the settlers who emigrated to Australia on a £10 ticket, then moved to Canada before returning to the UK and eventually Lindfield,” he said.

So the next time you are walking along the High Street near the church, look up and see the magnificent tiger gazing at a star for yourselves!