Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Easter Services in and around Lindfield 2023

All Saints Lindfield

Maundy Thursday – 6th April (at URC)
7.30pm – Maundy Thursday Communion service at URC church We are joining with the other two churches in the village to celebrate Communion together.

Good Friday – 7th April
10am – A service for all ages as we explore the meaning of Good Friday followed by an opportunity to make your own Easter garden and enjoy hot cross buns.
12noon – An hour’s service of music, prayer, Bible readings and short reflective talks around the Cross.
7pm – REQUIEM Concert: An evening of beautiful music for Good Friday. New Sussex Singers perform the Rutter and Faure Requiems, joined by additional local singers for the second half. Tickets available at or via the church office.

Easter Sunday – 9th April
8am – Holy Communion
9.30am – Easter All Age Celebration with Communion ‘followed by an egg hunt for the children in the vicarage garden’
11.15am - Easter Communion Service
6pm – Lively Easter Celebration led by young people and wind band, also including Communion Some of our services will be livestreamed:

Lindfield Evangelical Free Church

Maundy Thursday – 6th April
12noon – An Agape lunch including Holy Communion. If you wish to attend, please contact the Church Office on 01444 483576 by the latest Monday 3rd April as we’ve limited spaces.
7.30pm – Three Churches Holy Communion Service at URC.

Good Friday – 7th April
10.30am – Around the cross.

Easter Sunday – 9th April
10.30am – Family Easter Celebration Service.

Please note we will not be holding an Easter Sunday Evening meeting.

Lindfield United Reformed Church

Palm Sunday – 2nd April
10am – Led by Rev Simon Franklin. The triumphant entry into Jerusalem

Wednesday 5th April
11.30am – Wednesday Worship, led by Rev Keith Morrison. Refreshments served before the service from 11am. Jesus is Blessed and Betrayed by his friends

Maundy Thursday – 6th April
7.30pm – Communion service. A combined service with the three other churches in Lindfield. Held at the Lindfield United Reformed Church.

Good Friday – 7th April
10am – Good Friday service, led by Rev Keith Morrison. Remembering the Cross

Easter Sunday – 9th April
10am – Easter Day service, led by Rev Keith Morrison. Celebrating new life through the resurrection

St Augustine’s Church, Scaynes Hill

Palm Sunday – 2nd April
10am – Worship for all. To be live streamed on YouTube
6pm – Holy Communion

Monday – 3rd April
10am-12noon – Easter Fun Morning

Tuesday – 4th April
8pm – Compline

Wednesday – 5th April
8pm – Compline

Maundy Thursday – 6th April
7.30pm – Agape meal, followed by The Watch

Good Friday – 7th April
10am – Walk of Witness
3pm – Hour at the Cross

Easter Sunday – 8th April
6am – Sunrise Service, followed by breakfast
10am – Easter Morning Holy Communion. To be live streamed on YouTube