Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Don't forget to Vote in our Front Garden Festival!

By Jim Stockwell

The Lindfield Front Garden Festival has been running for more than six weeks and continues until 12th September. We’ve been delighted with feedback from visitors: ‘The garden is a riot of colour that demands attention as it dances in the wind’ ‘Thank you for organising the front gardens walk around Lindfield. I enjoyed it so much I did it twice!’ ‘… I have enjoyed being able to take a virtual stroll round the village and admire the gardens’ ‘I am sure it has given many people much pleasure’ ‘They are all really lovely with lots of different styles’ ‘I’m helping to support an amazing charity. Best wishes to all those taking part.’ So, don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to view Lindfield’s delightful front gardens. We hope to raise as much as possible so, please, make a donation to the Hospice via this JustGiving page: You can vote for your favourite front garden – all votes received by 11th September will be entered into a prize draw. The most popular garden and the first name drawn from votes submitted will both win a beautiful pot donated by Pots and Pithoi (see above). There will also be a prize for the best pot/planter/window box. Details of all 46 gardens participating, including a map guide, are available now from the Festival website ( and are also shown on the notice board outside the King Edward Hall.