Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Denmans Lane Dash - Lindfield, Boxing Day 2016

Boxing Day, beer and a battle to the boozer sums up Lindfield newest Christmas tradition which saw 20 competitors gather at the starting line for the Denmans Lane Dash.

Organised by Lindfield’s Ray Gower, the event invites runners of all ages and abilities to brush off the Christmas Day excess and compete in a village race.

The first Dash was held on Boxing Day 2015, and last month’s event saw the number of entrants swell as the word spread and runners arrived to limber up and take on the challenge.

Competitors are invited to run from the Stand Up, along Denmans Lane to the gate and back, while carrying half a pint of beer. The runner finishing in the op six with the most beer left in the glass is announced the winner!

A delighted Ray said: “Our second Denmans Lane Dash didn’t disappoint. After last year’s great success, the number of competitors increased to 20 this year and we attracted people from outside the village. “The sun was shining and a few runners got well into the spirit with Santa outfits and Christmas jumpers! After a couple of tweaks to the rules, the race was underway at just under 1pm and with a great performance by all.

The winner of the prestigious Denmans Lane Trophy and bottle of champagne was Dan O’Hare.”Enjoying a fresh pint at the end of the race to celebrate his victory, Dan described his win as ‘my fines ever athletic performance!’Ray added: “Thanks to all who came, took part and supported us, including Andi Frost from the Stand Up who sponsored us with the beer, to her fabulous staff or looking after us, Chief Judge Lisa Vince, Jodie Gower for videoing and Dan Gower for marshalling.“Here’s to next year!”