Lindfield Life - the community magazine for Lindfield, West Sussex

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Lindfield Neighbourhood Plan comments

A reminder to readers that the consultation period for Lindfield & Lindfield Rural Parishes’ Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission document is open for your comments until Friday 13th December. The published documents and maps utilise the results obtained from the various community exhibitions, focus group investigations and surveys. Action in rural Sussex (AirS) and their planning consultants (rCOH Ltd) have produced what is essentially a draft of the proposed Neighbourhood Plan.

The contents of the plan were agreed by both Parish Councils in October and there is still time for the community to have their say. The Pre-Submission Plan was released on Friday 1st November 2013 for a 6 week public consultation period and you are invited to scrutinise it and supply your comments. These will be considered by the Councils and, where appropriate, the plan will be amended accordingly before the final version is passed to Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) for checking by an independent inspector to ensure that it meets the Government guidelines. The plan will then undergo another 6 week public consultation, arranged by MSDC, before being put to a referendum vote, then if passed it will be adopted as the development plan for the two parishes up until 2031.

You can view a copy of the Pre-Submission plan at either of the Parish Offices during normal opening hours or it can be viewed on Lindfield Parish Council’s website at: